Emboss Texture from Primitives Example 1


This help topic explains how to create an Emboss Texture from Primitives feature.This example uses an existing BobART model to show you how to use the feature with other existing features as you work towards a finished product.

Example File

If you are connected to the Internet, the part file for this example can be downloaded automatically by clicking the following link: Emboss Art SignExample.bbcd

Once you download and saved the zip file, extract the files on your system in an easy place to remember.You can then open the file to use with this tutorial.All files for the tutorials in this help system available for download can be found by clicking on the following link: http://www.bobcad.com/helpfiles.


In the example file provided, a few emboss features are already created to make an artistic sign as shown in the following image.In this tutorial, the texture feature is applied to the recessed area of the model.



Part 1) Open the Part File and Save As

  1. After downloading the zip file and extracting the files to your system, in the Filemenu, click Open.

  2. In the Opendialog, navigate to the location/folder in which you saved the example file.

    Click Emboss Art Sign Example.bbcd,and click Open.

    This example part is used for multiple emboss feature tutorials in this help system.For this reason, you save the file with a new name so that you can use the original file with other tutorials.(You can always download the file a second time if you have modified the original example file.)

  3. In the Filemenu, click Save As.(The Save As dialog should automatically open the correct folder.)

  4. In the Save As dialog, click in the File Name field.

    Change the name to Texture from Primitives Example.bbcd.

    To save the file with the new name, click Save.

Part 2) Add the Feature and Select Geometry

Note: For the Emboss Texture from Primitives feature, you can select geometry to define the area in which the texture is applied.You do not have to select geometry for the feature.When you do not assign any geometry, the texture is applied to the entire model.


  1. In the BobART Manager, right-click Emboss Model, point to Texture,and click From Primitives.

    The Texture-From Primitives dialog appears with focus on the Selected Geometry list of the Boundary Geometry section.

  2. Hide the emboss model and select the geometry as shown next.

    Img Img

  3. Click OK to apply the feature to the model.


    When you view the result, you can see that the texture is created using the previously defined parameters.This is a spherical texture that creates a consistent pattern.In the next part, you learn how to edit the feature parameters.In Part 5, you learn how to make the texture appear more organic or random.

Part 3) Edit the Feature

After adding an emboss feature and closing the dialog, you use the feature in the BobART tree to open the dialog and edit the feature parameters.


  1. In the Primitive Shape group, click Sphere to access the drop down list and select Ellipsoid.

  2. Type the following values to define the primitive shape which is used to create the texture: 

    1. X Radius = 0.625

    2. Y Radius = 0.250

  3. Click OK.


Part 4) Randomize the Texture to Create an Organic Appearance

In this part of the tutorial, you first randomize the size of the primitive shape used for the texture.After that, the location control is randomized.Both of these changes help to create a more organic texture appearance.


  1. In the Size Randomization group, select the Randomize the Size check box.

    The Variation % group appears.

  2. Enter the following values to define the primitive shape which is used to create the texture: 

    1. X Radius = 60.000

    2. Y Radius = 30.000

    3. Z Height = 75.000

      This allows the shape of the primitive to be altered up to 60% in the X axis, 30% in the Y axis, and up to 75% in its height.

  3. Click OK to regenerate the model.



  1. In the Pattern Locationgroup, select the Randomized the Location check box.

    This replaces the Spacing, Rotation Angle, and Shift values with the Primitive Density value.

  2. Set the Primitive Density to25.00.

  3. Click OK.


  4. Edit the feature.Clear the Randomize the location check box.

  5. In the Pattern Locationgroup, type the following values.

    1. Spacing X % = 65.000

    2. Spacing Y % = 45.000

    3. Rotation Angle = 3.000

    4. Progressive Shift % = 14.00

      This allows the location of the primitive to be altered up to 65% in the X axis, 45% in the Y axis, rotated by 3 degrees and shifted 14% between rows.

  6. Click OK to regenerate.


    The results can be seen in the previous images.

Part 5) Change the Application Type

For the last modification of the feature, the Application Type is changed.Currently the Application Type is set to Add.This means that the texture is added to the model (positive Z-axis direction). For the sign we are making, we want the pattern to be recessed into the model.


  1. In the Texture from Primitives dialog, click the Application Type arrow, and click Subtract.

  2. In the Emboss Attributes group, click Color.In the Color dialog, select a gray color and click OK.

  3. Click OK to regenerate the feature.The results are shown next.


    In the previous images, you can see that the feature is now subtracted from the model (in the negative Z-axis direction). The color is updated to better show the pattern and improve the appearance of the model.

  4. Click Cancel.

Part 6) Save the Model

The result that you have created in this tutorial is used in the How to Create an Emboss from Component topic.You can save the file, as explained in the following steps, to use for the other tutorial.


  1. In the Filemenu, click Save As.

  2. Navigate to the location in which you have stored the example files (or whatever location you prefer).

  3. Click in the File Name box, and type My Emboss Texture Done.

  4. Click Saveto save the file with the new name.


This concludes the tutorial.

Related Topics

How to Create an Emboss from Component

BobART Overview