How to Create a Toolpath Pattern - Points


This tutorial explains how to create a toolpath pattern using the Points option. The example provided shows how to pattern multiple features together using a single toolpath pattern with a Group.

Example Part

If you are connected to the Internet, the part file for this example can be downloaded automatically by clicking the following link: Toolpath Pattern Points Example 1.bbcd

Once you download and saved the zip file, extract the files on your system in an easy place to remember.You can then open the file to use with this tutorial.All files for the tutorials in this help system available for download can be found by clicking on the following link:


In the example file provided, the stock and Machine Setup are already defined for the part, the relevant toolpath has been applied, and a group has been created for the toolpaths being patterned.



Part 1) Blank/Unblank Toolpath

In this example part, we have used a Group to better manage our toolpaths. Adding a toolpath pattern to each of the three toolpaths we intend to duplicate would be a little too time consuming. Adding a toolpath pattern to the entire machine setup, would duplicate toolpaths we have no intention of patterning. The creation of a group, gives us control of all the toolpaths contained in the group at once.


  1. In the Data-CAM Tree Manager, click the CAM Tree tab.

  2. Right-click the Groupin the CAM Tree.

  3. Select Blank/Unblank Toolpath.

    The toolpath for the three features we intend to pattern is no longer visible in the graphics area.

Part 2) Add the Pattern

With the toolpath hidden, we can now easily pick the points for our pattern.


  1. Right-click the Groupin the CAM Tree.

  2. Select Add Toolpath Pattern.

    The Toolpath Pattern dialog appears.

  3. Select the Pointsoption.

  4. Click Next>>.

Part 3) Set the Start for the Toolpath Pattern

With the Toolpath Pattern dialog launched, we are now able to set the Specified Points. If the distances between the original and its copies are known, the Start can be left at zero and the differences can be entered. In this case we will use the Pick options to set the Start and use the pointhighlighted in the image below.


Important: Pick options reference values in relation to the Machine Setup



  1. Click the Pickbutton in the Start group to set the start position.

    The Toolpath Pattern Dialog hides and selection mode is enabled.

  2. Click the seen in the image and click OK.

    The Toolpath Pattern dialog returns.

Part 4) Set the Positions

The Start and Positions determine the distances of our toolpath duplicates from the originals. Since we have used the Pick option to select our Start, we will use the Pick Positions option to select our Positions.



  1. Click Pick Positions.

    The Toolpath Pattern Dialog hides and selection mode is enabled.

  2. Take care to select the matching point for each of the remaining pockets in the order they are to be machined.

  3. Click OK.

    The Toolpath Pattern dialog returns.

Part 5) Set the Machining Order

The last group in the lower right of the Toolpath Pattern dialog box, is Machining Order. This group will allow you to select from Optimized, or Pick Order. To have control over the order our copies are machined in, we will need to set the Machining Order to Pick Order.


  1. Click the Pick Order option in the Machining Order group.

  2. Click OK.

    The Toolpath Pattern dialog closes.

    The toolpath will now be machined in the order the Positions were selected.

Part 6) Simulate the Program

  1. To view the part being cut, right-click Milling Job,and click Simulation.


To learn more about using Simulation, viewGetting Started with Simulation.


The resulting stock model is shown next.



  1. To close the simulation, click Exit Simulation.



This concludes the tutorial.