The Turning Job


The Turning Job in the CAM Tree provides the tools needed to define job settings, machine and post processor selection, tools, stock, stock material, workpiece, and machining features. This topics explains everything that is included in the Turning Job in the CAM Tree.

To create a Turning Job, use one of the following two options:


  • In the CAM Tree, right-click CAM Defaults, and click New Job, or in the BobCAM Menu or BobCAM Command Manager, click New CAM Job.


The Machining Job dialog displays.


  • Click Turning, and click OK to add the job to the CAM Tree.


You can also click the Start Stock Wizard check box to open the Stock Wizard and define the stock for the job.

The Turning Job

The following items are added to the CAM Tree when you create a Turning job.



Turning Job      >>


Post Processor

Turning Tools      >>


Stock Material


Machine Setup      >>

Machine Selection

Post Processor Selection

Tool Information and Setup

Stock Creation and Modification

Stock Material Selection and Modification

Assigning a Workpiece

Machine Setup Modification and Feature Creation



All of the job items in the tree contain a right-click shortcut menu that is used to access the commands as explained next.

The Shortcut Menus

Job Settings and Commands

Right-click Turning Job to open a shortcut menu with the following commands.


Turning Job      >>


    • Current Settings - opens the Current Settings Job dialog box for you to change various machine and posting settings for the job only.

    • Post - creates the NC program and displays it in the Posting Manager. You can view the posted program, but you can't edit it in this location. Right-click anywhere in the Posting window to access another shortcut menu, or use Post & Save As.

    • Post & Save As - creates and displays the NC program, but first opens the Save As dialog box for you to name and save the file. You can use the default location, or select your own location.

    • Generate Setup Sheet - opens the Setup Sheet dialog box for you to select a template to format the output of the setup sheet and define what information is included. Select a Template, and click OK. The setup sheet is created and displays in a browser showing all of the applicable information for the current job.


Note: Templates that control the look of the Setup Sheets are found in the \\BobCAD-CAM Data\**Current Version**\Setup Sheets\Templates folder. Additional templates can be created here by copying and pasting an existing folder and renaming it. These new templates are then shown in the list of selectable templates when creating the setup sheet. The data for the setup sheet is generated as an .xml in this main folder but requires the .xsl and .css files found in the \\BobCAD-CAM Data\**Current Version**\Setup Sheets\Templates\**Selected Template**\stylesheets folder. Users familiar with .css can edit these files to change everything from fonts, formatting, background colors and more of the particular template! Be advised the styling is only supported for Internet Explorer, Edge, Chrome, and Firefox browsers.

    • Generate Setup Sheet & Save As - opens the Setup Sheet dialog box for you to select a template to format the output of the setup sheet and define what information is included. Select a Template, and click OK. The Save As dialog box displays for you to select a location in which all of the setup sheet information is stored. Select a location and name the .xml file. When you click OK, a folder is created with all of the same information of the selected template, and the .xml file, in the specified location. The setup sheet then displays in a browser showing all of the applicable information for the current job and a screen shot of the current view of the graphics area.

Tip: When the Setup Sheet information displays, you can use the File - Save As command of the browser to save the file to another format or for later use. You can also print the setup sheet using the File - Print commands of the browser.

    • Simulation - opens the simulation window for you to view any computed feature operations set to Post Yes. To learn more, view Getting Started with Simulation.

    • Toolpath Statistics - opens the Toolpath Statistics dialog, which provides information on Time Data, Toolpath Extents, Toolpath Data, and Speeds and Feeds for the overall job, an individual setup, an entire feature, or single operations.


    • Update All Geometries - Updates all geometry associated in the CAM Tree.

    • Compute All Toolpath - computes all feature operations in the job.


    • Post All Yes/No - toggles whether or not all feature operations in the job are output in the posted program.

    • Blank/Unblank All - toggles the visibility status of the stock and all operations in the job to hide or show. Note that you can then click any CAM Tree icon that contains a preview to show the preview of that item in the workspace until you click another location to change the focus.

    • Cutting Conditions - opens the Cutting Conditions dialog box for you to modify the cutting conditions.

    • Save as Job Template - opens the Save As dialog to allow you to save the entire job to load again in the future. Anything in the particular job, at the time of saving, will be saved in this template. To find out more about the job templates, see the Job from Template topic.

    • Delete - deletes the entire job and all items from the CAM Tree.

    • Collapse Items - collapses the child items of the job folder. This is the same as clicking the minus sign () next to all child items.
    • Expand Items - expands the child items of the job folder. This is the same as clicking the plus sign () next to all child items.

    • Rename - allows you to rename the Machine Setup.

Related Topics

The CAM Overview

The Operation Tree

The Tool Tree


To learn more about the flyouts (      >>) seen in the job, see the CAM Flyouts topic.

Next Topic

Click here to go to the Machine Selection topic.