

This topic explains the Patterns page of the Plunge Rough operation found in the Mill 2 Axis Wizard.



  • Zig Zag - creates a pattern of parallel cuts where the tool feeds in both directions.

  • Offset Pocket In - the plunge pattern continually offsets the outer shape and creates the toolpath from the outside-in.

  • Offset Pocket Out - the plunge pattern continually offsets the inner shape and creates the toolpath from the inside-out.

  • Zig - creates a pattern of parallel cuts where the tool feeds in one direction.

  • Even Stepover - the distance between each plunge point along the path, within the same profile, is equal but not greater than the specified Step Amount %.

  • Defined Stepover - the distance between each plunge point along the path, within the same profile, is equal to the value in the Step Amount %



Cut Direction

  • Lace Angle- sets the angle of the linear movements relative to the X-axis of the machining origin. When set to 0, the toolpath is generated parallel to the X-axis.




  • Step Amount % (1) - the distance between each path (toolpath segment), based on a percentage of the tool diameter.

  • Step Amount % (2) - the distance between plunge locations along the path, based on a percentage of the tool diameter.


Related Topics

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The Profile Rough Parameters page

The Profile Finish Parameters page

The Pocket Parameters page

The Facing Parameters page

The Engrave Parameters page

The Chamfer Mill Parameters page
The Plunge Rough Parameters page

The Corner Rounding Parameters page