The Angled Surface in XY Plane


This topic will explain the Angled Surface in XY Plane measure cycle, will describe how to access it, will explain the options found in it, and will explain how to use it with quick steps and an example.

The Angled Surface in XY Plane Cycle


This cycle measures a planar surface whose normal is neither parallel to the X Axis, nor the Y Axis. This cycle can utilize the following geometry inputs: 


  • Line which is neither parallel to the X Axis, nor the Y Axis.
  • Planar surface edge which is neither parallel to the X Axis, nor the Y Axis.
  • Planar surface face whose normal is neither parallel to the X Axis, nor the Y Axis.

To access the Angled Surface in XY Plane cycle:


  1. In the CAM Tree, locate the desired Machine Setup for the Probing cycle, right-click the Machine Setup, and select Probing.

    The Probing dialog launches in the Data Entry Manager.

  2. Click the Operations(s) tab.

  3. Click the Parameters tab.

    By default the Selected Geometry list is given focus to allow you to select geometry from the graphics area.

  4. Select the applicable geometry.

    The geometry is added to the Selected Geometry list and the Initial Position and Parameters section are populated.


Note: Some geometry may be applicable to several cycles. In these cases the cycle that is selected based on the geometry may not be the intended cycle. In these cases, simple choose the correct cycle from the drop down list.

The Data Entry Parameters

Initial Position

  • Other Side - measures the opposing side of the surface from what is currently shown in the graphics area.





  • Z Measure Height - determines the end point for the cycle along the Z-axis of the current Work Offset.

  • X - determines the end point for the cycle along the X-axis of the current Work Offset.

  • Y - determines the end point for the cycle along the Y-axis of the current Work Offset.

  • Angle - determines the angle at which the probe will travel to make contact.

  • Distance - determines the distance from the surface at which the probe will begin the cycle.
  • Update Work Offset
    - Updates the existing work offset values with the information received from the cycle.
    - Does not update the existing work offset.


Quick Steps - Angled Surface in XY Plane


  1. In the CAM Tree, locate the desired Machine Setup for the Probing cycle, right-click the Machine Setup, and select Probing.

    The Probing dialog launches in the Data Entry Manager.

  2. Update the Material Approach and Feature Parameters as necessary.

  3. Click the Operations(s) tab.

  4. On the Probe page, select, or define, the Probe to be used.

  5. Click the Parameters tab.

    By default the Selected Geometry list is given focus to allow you to select geometry from the graphics area.

  6. Select the desired piece(s) of geometry.

    The geometry is added to the Selected Geometry list and the Initial Position and Parameters section are populated.


Important: The available cycles are filtered by the geometry selected. If you selected geometry and do not have the desired cycle available, remove the geometry and reselect geometry compatible with the cycle.

  1. Update the Initial Position and Parameters sections as needed.

  2. Click the Options tab and update any options necessary.

  3. Click OK.

Example - Angled Surface in XY Plane

In this example we:


  • Select the Probe feature.
  • Select a probe for the cycle.
  • Update the Machining Data and Feed groups.
  • Select the cycle.
  • Update the geometry.
  • Update the Parameters section.
  • Utilize the Options page.
  • Backplot the result.


Part 1) Selecting the Probe feature

The first step of any Probing cycle is to create a Probing feature in the Machine Setup it is intended to be used in.


  1. In the CAM Tree, locate the desired Machine Setup for the Probing cycle, right-click the Machine Setup, and select Probing.

    The Probing dialog launches in the Data Entry Manager.

Part 2) Selecting the Probe

Selecting a probe can be done with the following steps, or by simply deselecting the System Tool check box and inputting the appropriate data into the required fields.

  1. By default Measure is already in the Current Operations list. This will give us access to all available measure cycles in the Operation(s) tab.

    At the top of the dialog, click the Operation(s) tab.

  2. By default the Probe page is active. In this page, click the Tool Crib button.

    The Tool Crib dialog launches.

  3. Select your probe from the Tool Crib.

    1. If a probe has not yet been added to your Tool Crib, select the Add From Tool Library button and select one.

    2. If a probe has not yet been added to your Tool Library, select the Add button, define the probe in the Tool Parameters section, and select OK.

      The probe is added to the Tool Library and is automatically highlighted.

    3. Click OK.

      The probe is updated in the dialog.

Part 3) Updating the Machining Data and Feed groups

When selecting a tool from the Tool Crib, a tool number, and the Height and Diameter Offsets should already be correct. However, if you need to update them, you can do that in the Machining Data group. The Feed group will allow you to set a Protected Feedrate for the probe.

  1. Update the Machining Data as needed: 

    1. Update the Tool Number if needed.

    2. To have the cycle update the Height and Diameter Offset, select the Override Offset button and enter the values to update the offsets to.

  2. Update the Protected Feedrate in the Feed group as needed.

Part 4) Selecting the Cycle

The cycle can be selected with the drop down list under the Cycles section, but simply selecting the appropriate geometry will usually select the required cycle automatically. Since certain geometry could be applicable to several cycles, in some cases, the list will become much smaller.


  1. Click the Parameters tab.

    By default the Selected Geometry list is given focus to allow you to select geometry from the graphics area.

  2. Select the edge of the surface whose normal is not parallel to the X, or Y Axis.

    The geometry is added to the Selected Geometry list, the Initial Position and Parameters section are populated, and the toolpath becomes visible.

    Since our current geometry only works for a few cycles, the intended cycle is currently selected for us.

Note: Notice we are on the wrong side of the surface though. This could easily be corrected with the Other Side button in the Initial Position group, but we will update the geometry instead.

Part 5) Updating the geometry

In this case, the geometry we have chosen is interpreted as an External Corner cycle. The probing feature can do quite a bit of intelligent placement of the toolpath based on the surfaces selected. When edges are the only thing used for geometry selection, not as many assumptions can be made for the intelligent placement of the toolpath. We will take a look at how the geometry selection affects the automatic placement of the created toolpath.


  1. Next to the Selected Geometry list box, click the Delete All button.

    The geometry is removed from the list, and the edge is no longer highlighted.

  2. Select the surface whose normal is not parallel to the X, or Y Axis.

    The surface is added to the Selected Geometry list, and the toolpath updates.

    Notice this put the toolpath on the correct side of the part, as well as sets a more reasonable Z Measurement Height.

Part 6) Updating the Parameters section

The Parameters section for this cycle consists of the Z Measurement Height, X and Y values, Angle, Distance value, and the Update Work Offset value. In this case we do not really need to adjust the height at which the probe will make contact. The X and Y values could be adjusted to update the point at which the probe will make contact, but will be left as they are for this example. The Angle value can not be adjusted, so for this example, we will update the Distance.


Note: The value of the Z Measurement Height is an incremental height from the Machine Setup. In this case, our Machine Setup is at the top of the part.


  1. Update the value of the Distance to 1.00.

    The toolpath is updated.

Part 7) Utilizing the Options page

The values in the Options page should only be utilized if you are familiar with exactly how the individual options work.


  1. Click the Options tab.

  2. Update any and all options that are needed for the cycle.

  3. Click OK to exit the dialog.

    The dialog closes and the Probing feature is added to the CAM Tree.

Part 8) Backploting the result

The Backplot is a great way to verify the movements of any of the operations you create.


  1. In the CAM Tree, right-click the C Measure operation in the Probing feature and click Backplot.

    The Backplot dialog launches, and the probe and first move become visible.

  2. Click Next two times to view the probe movements.

  3. Click Close.

    The dialog is closed and the feature is ready to post.