What's New in BobCAM for SOLIDWORKS V11 SP1


The first update to our BobCAM for SOLIDWORKS V11 includes a few enhancements and a big overhaul to your Operation Tree, as well as corrections across most modules.




The Operation Tree has now been updated to maintain custom ordering. Previously, when the order of your CAM Tree was modified, or operations were added, we would attempt to maintain the intended customization, while also maintaining the selected machining order. In this update, each job will list the selected machining order, whether it be By Feature, By Tool Per Setup, By Tool, or Custom Order. When a Custom Order has been set, it will be maintained regardless of how the CAM Tree is updated. New Operations are added to the bottom of the Operation Tree and can then be moved into the desired position by the user. In this way, when you take the time to manually adjust your Operation Tree, it will not be changed, unless you select another Machining Order option.


Select Machining Order Lists Machining Order Shows Custom Order

  • Updated the Tool Crib so that newly added tools are highlighted by default so they do not need to be selected again for the current operation.



  • Corrected an issue in the Unpack dialog which prevented files which would be overwritten from being shown in red font.

  • Corrected an issue which prevented system files from being refreshed in the user interface by the Unpack dialog. This caused the new files to be overwritten by the old when the file was saved.




  • Corrected an issue which caused the CAM Tree to scroll back to the top after geometry selection.



Mill Express


  • Corrected issues which caused gouging in the links of standard pockets in some cases.

  • Corrected an issue which caused incorrect tool assignment in some cases.

  • Corrected an issue which added 0.001 depth to a facing operation programmed to Z0.

  • Corrected an issue which prevented the Drill Tip Position point from being used in the Standard Pocket pattern of the Pocket operation.

  • Corrected an issue which could result in incorrect flute length on tools defined with custom geometry.

  • Corrected an issue which could cause inaccurate custom tool parameters depending on the selection order of the geometry.

  • Corrected an issue which prevented Hole Recognition from working on Mirrored solid models.

  • Corrected an issue which caused a crash when selecting 2 solids for Hole Recognition.

  • Corrected an issue which caused a crash when selecting the pointer option in the Trim and Relink command of the Edit Toolpath dialog.

  • Corrected an issue which caused a crash when posting or simulating an operation edited with the Edit Toolpath dialog.

  • Corrected an issue which caused the work offset of some machine setups to be updated incorrectly when updating one of many machine setups in the CAM Tree.

  • Corrected an issue which caused an additional feed move after the initial rapid retract.

  • Corrected an issue which prevented the Protected Feedrate from appearing in the user interface of Probing operations.

  • Corrected an issue with a Z Level Rough operation which caused a crash when attempting to simulate.


Mill 3 Axis Pro


  • Corrected an issue which prevented individual surfaces from being selected in the Gouge Check tab of the Advanced UI.

  • Corrected a mesh tolerance issue which caused a Clearance Plane too low error.

  • Corrected an issue with an Advanced Rough operation which caused a crash when attempting to simulate or post.


Mill 3 Axis Premium
  • Corrected an issue which prevented some lollipop tools from being utilized in a Deburring operation.



  • Corrected an issue which caused a blank tool crib when entering from a Lathe Hole operation.


Mill Turn


  • Corrected an issue which caused incorrect tool orientation / placement in backplot and simulation in some cases.

  • Corrected an issue which caused incorrect output when using a tool mounted on an even numbered station of the turret.

  • Corrected an issue which prevented the proper tool number format from outputting.



Simulation Standard
  • Corrected an issue which showed the Mill Turn tool in the wrong position in the simulation.



  • Corrected an issue which prevented the rotary_xyr_angle and p_rot variables from outputting the proper values.

  • Corrected an issue which caused a system lock up when the comment_start and comment_end variables are used without their respective post blocks, 630 and 631, being defined.

  • Corrected an issue which prevented rpy_angle_xyz_extrinsic_1, 2, and 3, from outputting the proper value when certain UCS/Faces are selected for an indexing system.

  • Corrected an issue which prevented feedrates from being output in a lathe program.