Mirror/Invert an Embossed Model Example 1


This help topic explains how to mirror and/or invert an embossed model. You can mirror or invert an embossed model in one of three ways. For this example, we use the following model to show the results of the Mirror/Invert feature.




Part 1) How to Mirror or Invert

When you have completed the model that you want to mirror or invert, you add a Mirror/Invert feature to the BobART tree.


  1. In the BobARTtree, right-click Emboss Model, and click Mirror/Invert.

  2. In the Mirrordialog, select the plane across which you want to mirror and invert the model.

  3. Select X-Z Plane, and clickOK to regenerate the canvas and close the dialog.

    The Mirror/Invertfeature is added to the BobARTtree.

    Img Img

    The result is shown above. In the first image, you can see that the entire model is mirrored using the XZ plane of the world coordinate system. When you rotate the view, you can see that the model is also inverted across the XY plane.

Part 2) Edit the Feature

After adding a Mirror/Invert feature, you can edit the feature to change the mirror/invert plane.


  1. In the BobARTtree, right-click Mirror/Invert, and clickEdit.

  2. In the Mirrordialog, click Y-Z Plane,and click OK.

    The model is mirrored using the YZ plane of the world coordinate system.The model is also inverted across the XY plane.

    Img Img

Part 3) Invert the Model

The model can also be inverted (only) using the XY plane. When inverting, the direction of each feature used to create the model is reversed. For example the areas of the model that are raised (in the positive Z-axis direction), are now lowered (in the negative Z-axis direction).


  1. Edit the feature, and click Invert Only.

  2. Click OK.

    Img Img


Tip: It is not necessary to close the dialog each time a change is made. To see the results without exiting, click Apply.


This concludes the tutorial.

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The BobART Overview