How to Wrap an Emboss Model


This topic explains the process and parameters used to wrap the model.

Generally, you should create the model as a flat (unwrapped) model and then wrap the model after you have created all of your features.This method may not always be followed, but it is used for this example.In this example, we are ready to wrap a finished model.

Example File

If you are connected to the Internet, the part file for this example can be downloaded automatically by clicking the following link: Wrapan Emboss Model Example 1.sldprt

Once you download and saved the zip file, extract the files on your system in an easy place to remember.You can then open the file to use with this tutorial.All files for the tutorials in this help system available for download can be found by clicking on the following link:

In the provided example file, an Emboss from Component feature is already created.

Part 1) Open the Example File

  1. in the File menu, click Open.

  2. In the Opendialog , select the folder in which you saved the example files.

  3. Select Wrap an Emboss Model Example 1.sldprt, and click Open.

The file is opened and the model is displayed in the graphics area.

Part 2) Wrap the Model

The wrapping parameters are accessed in the Canvas Definition dialog.

  1. In the BobARTtree, right-click Emboss Model, and click Edit Canvas.

    The Canvas Definition dialog is displayed.

  2. To turn on wrapping, select the Wrap Model check box.

    All of the wrapping parameters are enabled.

    Confirm that the Axis Originis set to X0Y0Z0 and the Axis Direction is set to X Axis.

    In the Zero Degree Locationgroup, set the Y value to 0.00.

  3. To close the dialog, click OK.

Notice that the model is moved to X0Y0Z0.You can also see that the diameter of the wrapped model is larger than needed.

Part 3) Create a Full Wrap Using the Canvas Size

You can use the size of the model/canvas to create a full cylindrical wrap.The software calculates the value using the size of the canvas, not just the embossed area.In this example, they are the same.

  1. In the BobARTtree, right-click Emboss Model, and click Edit Canvas.

    In the Wrapping Diameter group, click Full Cylindrical Wrap.

    The software automatically calculates the value to create a fully cylindrical wrap based on the canvas size.

  2. To close the dialog and update the changes, click OK.

The model is now a full cylindrical wrap.The Wrapping Diameter is measured to the canvas surface (it does not use the height of the feature/model.)

You can see in the previous image that the top of the ring is actually at the bottom of the cylinder.This orientation may or may not be acceptable.To define what part of the model is placed at the top of the cylinder, you use the Zero Degree Location.

Part 4) Setting the Zero Degree Location

The Zero Degree Location defines what part of the flat model is placed at the zero degree location (top) of the cylinder.This distance is measured from the model origin perpendicular to the rotation axis.

The following images show the zero degree location.

In the first image, the coordinate system represents the origin (lower-left corner) of the model and notthe WCS.(This is done to show the direction of each axis.)

Img Img

  1. Right-click Emboss Model, and click Edit Canvas.

  2. In the Zero Degree Location group, click Middle Line as Zero Degree.

    Notice that the Y value is automatically set based on the size of the model.

    This is half of the model length measured perpendicular to the rotation axis.The software divides the total length by 2.00.

  3. To close the dialog and update the model, click OK.

Part 5) Setting the Axis Origin

The Axis Origin is used to move the location of the wrapped model in the Workspace.These parameters work together with the Axis Direction(rotation axis).The Axis Origin values define the center of rotation for the wrapped model along each axis, except for the value along the rotation axis.For example, with X-axis rotation (Axis Direction) the X-value of the Axis Origin defines the position of the model origin along the X-axis.

Currently the Axis Origin values are X0Y0Z0 with rotation around the X-axis.This means that the center of the wrapped model (from the canvas surface) is at Y0Z0 and the origin of the model is aligned with X0.

  1. Right-click EmbossModel, and click Edit Canvas.

    In the Axis Origin group, set the X value to 2.00.

    Click OK.

    Notice that the origin of the model is aligned with X 2.

    The remaining Y and Z values define the center of rotation for the model.

  2. Right-click Emboss Model, and click Edit Canvas.

    In the Axis Origin group, set the Y value to 2.000,and set the Z value to 1.000.

    Click OK.

Part 6) Remove the Non-Emboss Area (Canvas Surface)

  1. Right-click Emboss Model, and click Edit Canvas.

  2. Select the Remove Non-Emboss Area check box.

  3. To close the dialog and update the model, click OK.

Part 7) Turning Off Wrapping

At any time during the creation process, you can unwrap the model and return it to the original location.

  1. Right-click Emboss Model, and click Edit Canvas.

  2. Clear the Wrap Model check box to turn of wrapping.

  3. Click OK to close the dialog, and the model is returned to the unwrapped location.

This concludes the example.

Tip - How to Wrap a Model Twice

Using a combination of BobART features, you can actually wrap a model more than once.You can partially wrap the first model and then save it as a component.Next, you create an Emboss from Component feature, and then wrap the feature to create the second wrap.

  1. A partial wrap is applied to the model.

  2. The model is saved as a component.

  3. In a new file, a feature is created using Emboss from Component.

  4. The model is wrapped a second time.

The following image shows the same model.This time, a negative wrapping diameter is used on the first partial wrap.The negative wrapping diameter causes the raised areas of the model to appear inside of the wrapped model instead of the outside.The partial wrap and the result are shown next.

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