Limit Cuts by One or Two Points (Set Points)


The Limit Cuts by One or Two Points option allows you to limit the machining between two points so you can work only on a specific part of the drive surface.

The Parameters

Type coordinates in the X-, Y-, and Z-boxes that are the two points between which the cut is limited. To select geometry, click below each set of coordinates. You can click or to copy the coordinate values from one side (point) to the other side (point).


Note: You can only limit the toolpath if the points are beside the cuts, along the toolpath.


Tip: How the points apply to the different pattern:

Parallel Cuts - The points are applied depending on the plane of parallel cuts. For example, with Z-constant cuts it does make sense to have the point along the Z-axis.

Cuts Along Curve - The points should be positioned somewhere along the curve. The toolpath is only generated between those points along the curve.

Morph Between Two Curves / Parallel to Curve - The length between the point and curve is measured. The start distance to the curve of the first slice is now that distance.

Morph Between Two Surfaces / Parallel to Surface - The length between the point and surface is measured. The start distance to the curve of the first slice is now that distance.