

This topic explains the Patterns page found in the Flatlands operation of the Mill 3 Axis Wizard.


Cut Pattern

  • Offset Pocket Out - creates a pocket pattern which continually offsets the inner shape of the pocket and creates the toolpath from the inside-out.

  • Parallel - creates a pattern of parallel cuts where the tool feeds in both directions. Select one of the following three options.

  • Lace Angle - determines the direction of the toolpath passes in reference to the machining origin. The default value of 90 degrees generates passes that are parallel to the Y-axis, and a value of 0 degrees generates passes that are parallel to the X-axis of the machining origin.


Profile After

- With this check box cleared, the operation will end after the parallel passes are made.  

- Selecting this check box will create an additional cut around the walls of the part to clean cusps left by the parallel passes.

      • Spacing - sets the size of the gap left between the ends of the parallel passes and the profile cut that occurs after those passes.


  • Adaptive Roughing - creates a high-speed machining operation with automatic tool engagement settings. When this option is selected, the Minimal Curvature Radius is added to the Parameters group in this dialog box. In addition, the Link Clearance is added to the Finish group in the Parameters page of the wizard.


  • Zig - creates the operation so each pass of the tool follows the same general direction (one way machining).


  • Zig Zag - creates the operation so each pass of the tool alternates direction from the previous pass.


  • Reverse Cutting Order - allows you to reverse the order of cuts from outside in, to inside out.

Reverse Cutting Order Reverse Cutting Order




Cut Direction

  • Climb Mill - the tool travels in a counter clockwise direction along the inside shapes of the model and travels in a clockwise direction along the outside edges of the model.

  • Conventional Mill - the tool travels in a clockwise direction along the inside shapes of the model and travels in a counter clockwise direction along the outside edges of the model.


Note: The Cut Direction options are used with the Zig (One-way) Cut Pattern.