

This topic explains the Patterns page of the Steep Shallow operation found in the Mill 3 Axis Wizard.


Cut Pattern


  • Z Level + Planar - utilizes the Advanced Z Level Finish for steep areas while the shallow areas utilize the Planar.

  • Z Level + Equidistant - utilizes the Advanced Z Level Finish for steep areas while the shallow areas utilize the Equidistant Offset.


Shallow Region


  • Angle Limit - determines the amount of angle a surface can have to be considered a Shallow Region.

  • Planar Lace Angle - determines the direction of the toolpath passes in reference to the machining origin. The default value of 90 degrees generates passes that are parallel to the Y-axis, and a value of 0 degrees generates passes that are parallel to the X-axis of the machining origin.


Note: The Planar Lace Angle, and the Optimal Lace Angle options are only available when the Z Level + Planar strategy is selected.



Start From

  • Top - starts the operation from the top of the model and cuts down to the bottom.

  • Bottom - starts the operation from the bottom of the model and cuts up to the top.



Cut Direction

  • Independent Methods - allows you to set cut direction to the overall job, or to the steep and shallow regions independently.
    With this check box selected, cut directions for both Steep Region and Shallow Region are available.
    Clear the check box to apply the same cut direction for entire operation.



  • Zig - creates the operation so each pass of the tool follows the same general direction (one way machining).

  • Zig Zag - creates the operation so each pass of the tool alternates direction from the previous pass.


Note: The following two options are only available when the Zig Method is selected.


  • Climb Mill - the tool travels in a counter clockwise direction along the inside shapes of the model and travels in a clockwise direction along the outside edges of the model.

  • Conventional Mill - the tool travels in a clockwise direction along the inside shapes of the model and travels in a counter clockwise direction along the outside edges of the model.



  • Round Corners - The Round Corners option allows you to specify a maximum deviation value which allows a radius within that range to be substituted in place of sharp corners. To turn this option on, click the Round Corners check box. You can then type the maximum deviation possible for the round corners in the Maximum Deviation box. To turn this option off, clear the Round Corners check box.

Round Corners

Round Corners


  • Sharp Corners - The Sharp Corners command allows you to force a sharp angle change in the toolpath which otherwise may have been rounded.

Sharp Corners

Sharp Corners


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