Sculpting Example 1


This help topic explains how to use the Sculpting feature on embossedmodels.When using Sculpting, the mouse functions as a brush with whichyou can use a single-click or a click and drag method to add to, removefrom, or smooth the model surface.

Example File

If you are connected to the Internet, the part file for this example can be downloaded automatically by clicking the following link: Sculpting Example1.3DM

Once you download and saved the zip file, extract the files on your system in an easy place to remember.You can then open the file to use with this tutorial.All files for the tutorials in this help system available for download can be found by clicking on the following link:

In the example file provided, an Emboss from Image feature has alreadybeen created.After working with the file, some unwanted artifacts werecreated in the emboss.In this example, you learn how to use Sculptingto clean up these areas of the model.

The currently defined feature used in this example is shown next.

Part 1) Open the Example File

  1. Click File > Open.

  2. In the Opendialog, select the folder in which you extracted the example file.

  3. Select SculptingExample 1.3dm, and click Open.

  4. In the BobART Manager, next to Emboss Model,click to expand the tree.Notice that the Image Emboss feature already exists.

Part 2) Add the Smoothing Feature and Deposit Material

  1. In the BobARTtree, right-click Emboss Model, and click Sculpting.

The Sculpting parameters are displayed in the Data Entry ManagerManager tab of the Manager Pane.

Note: When theSculpting feature is active, the system automatically reduces the modelresolution slightly to help improve system response during the sculptingoperation.You may or may not notice the minor visual difference, andthe resolution is returned to the defined value when you click OK to finishthe feature.

  1. In the Method group,select Deposit.This addsmaterial to the model.

    Confirm that the Diameter isset to 6.350 and the Strength is set to 1.270.

  2. In the graphics area, point to a flat area of the model and clickonceDo not move the mouse between clicks.


    The amount of material created by the single click is exactly whatwas specified by the Diameter and Strength parameters.The materialis deposited (added) with a 6.350 diameter and a height (in Z) of1.270.

  3. In the same area of the model, click once andslowly from left to right, and then click again to end the sculpting and drag with the mouseslowly from left to right, and then release the mouse button.


    When dragging the brush, the amount of material deposited is stillbased on the Diameter and Strength parameters, but the speed at whichyou drag and how many times you drag over the same area determinethe result of the sculpting.

  4. Hold rag the brush in a small circular pattern on the model. Click again to finish the sculpting.

Img Img

When you rotate the view of the model, you can seethat more material is added each time you drag over the same area.(Aspike of material is created on the model.)


Tip: When usingSculpting, generally you should use the Top view, although it is not required.Top view.)

You should experiment with dragging the brush untilyou become comfortable with its use.

  1. In the DataEntry Manager, click Undo LastOperation multiple times until all of the deposited materialis removed.(Pay attention to what operations are removed each timethat you click undo.)

Part 3) Remove Material

The Remove option is the opposite of the Deposit option as it removes(subtracts) material from the model.In this part, you perform the sameactions as in Part 2.

  1. In the DataEntry Manager, select Remove.

  2. Click once on a flat area of the modelclick again to finish the sculpting without moving the mouse.Theamount of material removed is equal to the Strength and Diameter values.

  1. Experiment with dragging the brush to remove material from themodel (as explained in Part 2).

  2. After experimenting, click UndoLast Operation repeatedly to return the model to its originalcondition.

Part 4) Smooth Material

In a similar fashion to the Deposit and Remove methods, the Smooth methoduses the Strength and Diameter parameters to define the amount of smoothingand the size of the brush (respectively).

  1. In the DataEntry Manager, select Smooth.

  2. Set the Diameterto 12.700, and set the Strength to 6.350.

  3. In the graphics area, point to the left wingof the dragon and click onceonce to finish sculpting, without moving the mouse).


  4. In the same area of the wing, drag the brushto smooth the model appearance.


    When dragging the brush with the defined parameters, you can see thattoo much smoothing is being applied.

  5. In the DataEntry Manager, set the Strengthto 1.270.

    Click Undo Last Operation sothat the previous smoothing is removed from the model.

  6. Repeat Step 4 to smooth part of the wing.


    The strength setting is now more appropriate for the task.You cancontinue in this fashion to smooth the entire model if you like.However,when you have a large model that needs smoothing, you may want touse the Smoothing feature instead of the Sculpting feature.To learnmore, view the Related Topics links at the end of the example.

  7. For the final point of this tutorial, thesmoothing is used to remove unwanted material from around the dragonas shown next.


Drag the brush around the perimeter to remove theunwanted material.once to end sculpting.)

Img Img

Remember that the speed at which you dragaffects how much smoothing is applied.


The result should appear as follows.


Part 5) Finishing and Editing the Feature

  1. When you are done using Sculpting, clickOK to return to the BobART tab.

    The Sculpting feature is added to the BobART tree.

  2. To edit the feature, right-click Sculpting,and click Edit.

About Regeneration

The changes created bythe Sculpting feature are added to the model as you make them, so thereis no need to Regenerate the model after using Sculpting (as is neededfor other emboss features).

This concludes the tutorial.

Related Topics

Howto Use Smoothing

BobART Overview