The Rough Feature

The Rough dialog box permits you to change the parameters of a roughing feature to suit the part to be machined.

Rough Page

Posting Parameters


Cycle Type


System Compensation - This box allows you to specify whether or not the system compensates for the insert geometry and the tool nose radius.  If this option is set to Off, the selected geometry is used as the program path.  If this option is set to On, the system compensates for the tool nose radius and the insert geometry, producing a much different path.  When using the Off option for System Compensation, it is recommended that you turn on the Machine Compensation option.


Machine Compensation

Rapids Page



Leads Page

Lead In - Currently only a vector lead-in is available. This lead generates a linear movement by the user-specified distance from the beginning of each pass.


Lead Out - Currently only a vector lead-out is available. This lead generates a linear movement by the user-specified distance from the end of each pass.


NOTE: For a closer look at the handling of leads, please refer to Lathe Leads.

Tool Rough Page

Rough Pass - Rough Tool

Insert Tab




Orientation Tab

      • Orientation Number - This box allows you to select a number. Each number corresponds to a direction the tool can face. This selection influences the ability of the tool to move into locations that are restricted by adjacent geometry.


NOTE: The Orientation Number is also the value that designates whether the cut is inside or outside of the geometry.


Mach Info Tab





Select Tool - This button allows you to select a previously defined and saved tool. All of the values input for the tool are applied to the operation.


Save - This button allows you to save the settings in this dialog box as the default settings for future parts.