Bcc.FilletBetween2Entities(radius, {Entity1}, {Entity2})


This function is utilized create a fillet between two entities.  The entities do not need share any end points forming a chain.


  • Radius – double value of the radius of the fillet(s) that will be applied to the chain
  • Entity1 - table providing the first entity definition
  • Entity2 - table providing the second entity definition


Returns a ContourChain with the second entity being the newly added arc from the fillet, and the trimmed copies of the input entities. 

If the fillet function fails, the function will return nil


-- Create 2 line entities

line1 = { EntityType="Line", StartPoint={-15,-25,0}, EndPoint={15,-25,0}}

line2 = { EntityType="Line", StartPoint={ 25,-15,0}, EndPoint={25, 15,0}}

-- Define radius to be used for the fillet


-- Pass the 2 lines in to get the filletted resulting chain

retList = Bcc.ChamferBetween2Entities(Radius,line1,line2)