

Defines a group box with a collection of radio button options


  • Header – Group box title
  • ListControls – A list of strings for radio button names
  • CallbackFunc – the name of the Lua function to call when the status is changed
  • Option – the initial value which is the index for the selected radio button (index starts with 1) and the key for the returned result
  • SelectedItem – in return table specifying the name of the checked radio button


  • ["ControlID"["SelectedItem"] – key for the return table to provide the name of the selected item
  • ["ControlID"]["Option"] – key name that returns the index for the selected item (index starts at 1)


data = {ControlID="myRadioGroup", ControlType="RadioButtonGroup", Header="My Options", Option=2, ListControls={"Option 1", "Option 2", "Option 3"} }

The return data can be accessed from (assuming the dialog return variable is named retTable ):

       retTable["myRadioGroup"]["Option"] = The selected item index (1 -> n items)

       retTable["myRadioGroup"]["SelectedItem"] = The string of the selected item