Bcc.ShowDialogBox({Title, Width, Height}, { table of UI controls })


Displays a dialog box containing the defined controls.

retTable = Bcc.ShowDialogBox(windowParas, {dataGroup1, dataGroup2})


The input to this function is two separate tables, the first containing the window parameters, and the second the list of controls:

Window Frame Parameters Table and Keys

windowParas = {Title = "Line Parameters", Width = 250}

  • Title – The string shown in the dialog frame
  • Width (optional) – Fixes the width of the dialog to a specified value
  • Height (optional) – Fixes the height of the dialog to a specified value

UI Control List Table

The second table input parameter to this function should contain a list of UI controls to be stacked inside in the dialog.

For more on the various available control types, please see the Available UI Controls topic.


Returns a table with the ControlID as the Key to each subtable to retrieve the data from each control when OK button is selected.

Returns nil if cancel button is selected.
