Bcc.ShowMessageBox(message [, options])


Displays a message box to the user.

Bcc.ShowMessageBox("An error occurred", {Title="BobCAD-CAM", ButtonType="OK", ImageType="Error"})


  • message – A string containing the message to be displayed in the dialog
  • options Table
    • Title – string for the title of the message dialog box
    • ButtonType – What buttons will be displayed in the dialog box
      • OK
      • OKCancel
      • YesNoCancel
      • YesNo
    • ImageType
      • None
      • Hand
      • Stop
      • Error
      • Question
      • Exclamation
      • Warning
      • Asterisk
      • Information


Returns an integer representing what button was pressed in the dialog.

  • 0: None
  • 1: OK
  • 2: Cancel
  • 6: Yes
  • 7: No


Bcc.ShowMessageBox("Here is my message")

Bcc.ShowMessageBox("This went bad", {ButtonType="OK", ImageType="Error"})

ret = Bcc.ShowMessageBox("Error 111", {ButtonType="YesNoCancel", ImageType="Exclamation", Title = "Warning"})