Material/Texture Selection Dialog Box


The Material/Texture Selection dialog box allows you to add a material or texture appearance to the stock.


The material/texture files are stored in: C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\*Current Version*\Images. The folders in this location contain .bmp image files of different textures. You are not limited to the materials/textures that are provided. You can create your own folders here to expand upon the available materials/textures. When adding your own images, first create a folder named after the material type that you would like to add (such as metal or wood). Each folder creates a Material Group Type. Next, copy all corresponding bitmap (.bmp) images for the material type to its folder. The image files added to this folder are the Material Textures (such as steel or ash).


IMPORTANT:     All images for material/texture must use the .bmp extension.


To access the Material/Texture Selection dialog box:




The Material/Texture Selection dialog box displays.

The Dialog Box Parameters

View the Material/Texture Selection dialog box


Material Group Type

This box displays all available material types. Select the desired material type here. The options available are defined by the folders stored in: C:\BobCAD-CAM Data\*Current Version*\Images.


Material Texture

This box displays all available textures for the Material Group Type selected. You can click an item to see a preview of the texture in the dialog box before making a selection.


Texture Size


OK - accepts any changes and closes the dialog box. The model is updated with the new appearance.


Cancel - discards any changes and closes the dialog box.

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Stock Parameters Dialog Box

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