The Parallel function creates a line that is parallel to a selected entity. To perform the function, you define the distance or use drag, and select a line from the graphics area to create the CAD Preview. You then select the side of the line (Drag off) or the location (Drag on) to finish creating it.
Line Parallel supports the use of the snap increment when using the Drag method. The snap increment allows you to get precise results when using mouse selection and helps to reduce data entry modifications.
To learn more, view Snap Increment.
To open Line Parallel, do one of the following:
In the Lines menu, click Parallel.
On the CAD toolbar,
click the down arrow and click the icon.
Right-click anywhere in the graphics area, point to CAD, Lines, and click Parallel.
The parameters display in the Data Entry tab
of the Data-CAM Tree Manager.