CADTreeIconLarge.bmp The CAD Tree

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The CAD Tree in BobCAD-CAM is a solid history tree that allows you to edit, reorder, and suppress CAD features so you can update the CAD model at any time during the creation process or after. The CAD Tree contains features for each solid or surface body that you create, including all Solid and Surface functions, as well as any Utility functions that you use to modify solids. In addition to the feature, a solid item is added to the Solids folder, which provides selection tools for all solid bodies in the graphics area.


Wireframe geometry is not added to the CAD Tree, with one exception: the Shape Library. A feature is added to the CAD Tree for each shape that you create using the Shape Library.


To access the CAD Tree in BobCAD-CAM:


The CAD Tree

Features in the CAD Tree

The CAD Tree always contains the following two items.


TreeMinusIconSmall15x16.pngCADTreeIcon.bmp BobCAD File Name

      TreeLinesElbowEnd.pngCAMDefaultsIcon.png Solids


After creating or modifying a solid or surface, a CAD feature is added to the tree. If a function creates a solid or surface entity, a corresponding Solid item is added to the Solids folder.


CAD Tree Feature Example

TreeMinusIconSmall15x16.pngCADTreeIcon.bmp BobCAD File Name

      TreeMinusWEndLines.png CAMDefaultsIcon.png Solids

      TreeLinesNoBranches.png  TreeLinesElbowEnd.png SolidsIcon.png Solid 1

      TreeMinusWEndLines.pngextrude_boss_ws.bmp CAD Feature

            TreeLinesElbowEnd.pngGeometryIcon.png Geometry

CAD Tree Shortcut Menus

Right-click the name of any CAD Tree item to access a shortcut menu with the options described in the following sections.


CADTreeIcon.bmp BobCAD File Name


This item displays the file name as a reference to the CAD model.


The Solids Folder Menus

NOTE:      The Solids folder in the CAD Tree only displays an item for each visible solid entity that isn't suppressed. If you hide or suppress a solid entity, it is temporarily removed from the Solids folder.


 TreeMinusWEndLines.png CAMDefaultsIcon.png Solids

 TreeLinesNoBranches.png  TreeLinesElbowEnd.png SolidsIcon.png Solid 1


CAMDefaultsIcon.png Solids


SolidsIcon.png Solid 1


CAD Feature Edit Menus

The following shortcut menu options are available for all CAD features that are added to the CAD Tree.


TreeMinusWEndLines.pngextrude_boss_ws.bmp CAD Feature

      TreeLinesElbowEnd.pngGeometryIcon.png Geometry


extrude_boss_ws.bmp CAD Feature


If the feature requires geometry selection, then the feature contains one or more Geometry items as follows.


GeometryIcon.png Geometry

Using the CAD Tree

When using the CAD Tree, it is important to think about the actions you perform as an input and an output. You assign the input geometry that is used to create the output geometry. The output geometry may then be used as the input to another feature. The input and output of each action determines how you can modify the CAD Tree.


Editing CAD Features

When you edit a CAD feature, the model display in the graphics area returns to the same state as when you created the feature.


To edit a CAD feature:


1      Right-click the name of feature in the CAD Tree, and click Edit.


2      Modify the Data Entry parameters, select the geometry if required, and click OK to update the feature.


The feature automatically rebuilds.


Rebuilding CAD Features

The are many situations when CAD features are automatically rebuilt, but there are some situation where you need to manually rebuild a feature. For example, after translating wireframe input geometry, you must rebuild the feature to recreate it in the new location.


To Rebuild a CAD feature:



You may sometimes need to rebuild the entire model after making modifications.



Suppressing CAD Features

The Suppress option allows you to temporarily remove a feature from the CAD model to view the results without that feature. The following are a few important notes.



To Suppress or Unsuppress a CAD feature:



The model automatically rebuilds.


Rollback CAD Features

You can use the Rollback option to suppress the selected feature and all features below it in the CAD Tree. The CAD model in the graphics area returns to the state it was in prior to the rolled back feature. The shortcut menu for all features that were suppressed using Rollback changes to contain only one command: Unrollback. This option can be thought of as roll forward as it unsuppresses the selected feature and all features above it in the CAD Tree.


The following is an example usage of Rollback:


1      Right-click the feature name and click Rollback.


This feature and all features below it become suppressed.


2      You can make changes to the feature previous to the rollback or add new features as needed.


3      If you want to unsuppress all rolled back features, right-click the last rolled back feature in the CAD Tree and click Unrollback.


To unsuppress only the first rolled back feature, right-click the feature name and click Unrollback.


TIP:   If you create a new feature and move it above the rollback, you may sometimes need to Re/Select the geometry for the rollback feature (or the feature after) in order to properly rebuild the CAD Tree. (This is necessary when you are changing the input and output order of the CAD Tree.)


4      Rebuild features or the entire CAD Tree as needed.


Reordering CAD Features

You can click and drag to reorder the CAD features in the CAD Tree with the following important notes.



To reorder a CAD feature:



The feature is placed below the feature you are pointing to when you release the mouse button.


CAD Feature Highlight

You can click the CAD feature items in the CAD Tree to display the selected item in the graphics area using the current Highlight color. This is provided as a way to confirm the feature result as well as any geometry assignments at that point in the design process.


Deleting Geometry

It is important to understand how deleting geometry is handled with the CAD Tree.

NOTE:      If you delete a solid from the graphics area using the Delete key or the Edit menu Delete option, a Delete item is added to the CAD Tree. This removes the geometry from the graphics area, but it is retained in the Delete item. This allows you to modify or bring back the deleted item later if needed.

If you want to delete solid entities from the graphics area without completely removing them from the file, you can use the Delete key or Edit menu Delete option.


To Delete a solid feature and have it stored in the CAD Tree:



A Delete item is added to the CAD Tree, which saves the deleted geometry.


To completely remove solid geometry from the file, you should use the CAD feature shortcut menu Delete option. This action is retained in the Undo list, which is removed once you close the file.


To Delete a feature and not store it in the CAD Tree:



Deleting or Modifying Wireframe Input

Wireframe entities are often used to create solid or surface features in BobCAD-CAM. It is important that you don't delete any wireframe geometry that is used to create a solid or surface, unless you are assigning new geometry. If you delete the wireframe input to a feature, that feature will fail when rebuilt, as the CAD Tree stores solid, but not wireframe entities.


It is also important to be aware of any modifications that you make the wireframe input entities. For example, if you rotate the wireframe input to a solid, when the CAD feature or CAD Tree is rebuilt, the solid updates to the new wireframe orientation.


Changing CAD Feature Input

When changing the assigned geometry to a CAD feature, there are two methods that can be used. You can either Edit the feature to recreate it, or you can Re/Select the geometry and rebuild the feature. The result is the same, only the process is different.


After editing the input to a CAD feature, you may need to reassign the geometry. For example, if you delete wireframe entities and then replace them with new entities, you need to reassign the geometry to the feature.


To update modified input:


1      Below the feature name, right-click Geometry, and click Re/Select.


2      Update the geometry selection as needed and confirm the selections.


3      Right-click the feature name, and click Rebuild.


There are some times that changing the input geometry requires you to edit the feature and reassign the geometry.


To edit a feature and its input:


1      Right-click the name of feature in the CAD Tree, and click Edit.


2      Confirm or update the Data Entry parameters, select the geometry, and click OK to update the feature.


The feature automatically rebuilds.


3      If this change affects other features, right-click the file name at the top of the CAD Tree, and click Rebuild.


Failed Feature Indicator

When rebuilding the CAD Tree, if any feature cannot be properly rebuilt, for example, the input geometry was deleted, the feature displays the failed feature indicator as shown next.


TreeMinusWEndLines.pngRedXIcon.pngextrude_boss_ws.bmp CAD Feature

      TreeLinesElbowEnd.pngGeometryIcon.png Geometry


When you see this indicator on a CAD feature, repair and/or reassign the geometry, and rebuild the feature. The indicator is removed when the feature is successfully rebuilt.



As a final tip, you may want to rename the CAD features to something that is appropriate for the model or that is easier for you to remember later. The default naming means that all similar features share the same name, so renaming can be very helpful in keeping your CAD Tree organized, especially when reordering features.


To Rename a feature:


1      Right-click the feature name, and click Rename.


You can also slowly click the feature name twice.


2      Type the new name for the feature.


Press Enter or click anywhere else to save the new name.

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The CAD Overview