The CAD Overview

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BobCAD-CAM provides an extensive and powerful set of CAD tools for creating 2D and 3D geometry including wireframe, text, dimensions, shapes, surfaces, and solids. The main menus and the toolbars of the BobCAD-CAM user interface contain all of the CAD tools for creating, modifying, and viewing geometry in the Workspace (also known as the CAD window or graphics area). This topic provides an overview of the important CAD topics in this Help System and acts as a navigation tool to find more information about all CAD functionality and usage in BobCAD-CAM.

Important CAD Information

User Interface

Getting to Know the User interface is an important part of using BobCAD-CAM. The information provided in the User Interface topics is an essential part of understanding the BobCAD-CAM software and CAD.



The Preferences menu contains many important settings for system defaults and/or the current open file.


Selection Methods

It is important to understand the selection methods in BobCAD-CAM when creating or modifying geometry.


CAD Drawing Plane (UCS)

CAD geometry is created using the Active UCS, or user coordinate system, which determines drawing plane. This is selected in the UCSTabIcon.png UCS Manager of the Layer-UCS-Post Manager.


CAD Drawing Layer

CAD geometry is created on the Active Layer that is selected in the LayersTabIcon.png Layers Manager of the Layer-UCS-Post Manager.



The View menu contains many important commands for modifying the current viewing position and display states of the Workspace and the geometry in it.


CAD Preview

The CAD functions include a preview that shows you what the result will be before you create the geometry. Because most CAD functions can be performed using various methods, the way that the preview works depends on the method used.


Using the CAD Preview


Status Bar and Snap Increment

The Status Bar at the bottom of the user interface displays important information and provides prompts that guide you through the current task in the Data Entry Manager. Look to the status bar for help completing the current step.


The status bar also provides quick access to the snap increment button and snap increment distance value that is used with many CAD function to allow for accurate geometry creation when using mouse selection (also known as sketching). To learn more, view the Snap Increment topic.


The CAD Tree

The CAD Tree is a solid history tree that contains CAD Features for all solid and surface creation and modifications.

Creating Geometry in BobCAD-CAM

2D - Wireframe, Text, and Dimension Creation

The Point Functions

The Points menu and the CAD toolbar both contain the following functions for creating points.


PointSketch.png Sketch

PointCoords.png Coordinates

PointIncremental.png Incremental

PointEnd.png End

PointIntersect.png Intersection

PointArcCenter.png Arc Center

PointPerp.png Perpendicular

PointOnEntity.png On Entity


The Line Functions

The Lines menu and the CAD toolbar both contain the following functions for creating lines.


LineSketch.png Sketch

LineCoords.png Coordinates

LineJoin.png Join

LineTangent.png Tangent

LineParallel.png Parallel

LineAngle.png Angle

LineChamfer.png Chamfer

LineContinuous.png Continuous


The Arc Functions

The Arcs menu and the CAD toolbar both contain the following functions for creating arcs.


ArcSketch.png Sketch

ArcCoords.png Coordinates

ArcSnap.png Snap

ArcFillet.png Fillet

Arc3Entities.png 3 Entities

CircleBewtween2PointsIcon.png Circle Between 2 Points

FitArc.png Fit Arcs


The Other Functions

The Other menu and the CAD toolbar both contain the following functions for creating wireframe shapes.


Rectangle.png Rectangle

EllipseIcon.png Ellipse

SpiralIcon.png Spiral

Contours.png Contour

Offset.png Offset

SketchContinuous.png Continuous Sketch

Equalize.png Equalize

ProjectCurvesIcon.png Project Curves to Surface

HolePattern.png Hole Pattern

PointPattern.png Point Pattern

Gear.png Gear

Sprocket.png Sprocket

RollerCamIcon.png Roller Cam

shape_w.bmp Shape Library


The Spline Functions

The Spline menu and the CAD toolbar both contain the following functions for creating splines.


SplineAppIcon.bmp Approximated

SplineInterpolated.png Interpolated

SplineFit.png Fit

SplineBlended.png Blended


You can also create a Spline from Curves.


The Text Functions

The Text menu and the CAD toolbar both contain the following functions for creating text.


Text.png Text

FitTextToCurveIcon.png Fit Text to a Curve


The Dimension Functions

To learn about the dimensioning tools in BobCAD-CAM, view Dimensions.

3D - Solid and Surface Creation

The Surface Functions

The Surfaces menu and the Surfaces toolbar both contain the following functions for creating surfaces.


RectangularPlane.png Rectangular Plane

CircularPlane.png Circular Plane

PlanarSurfaceIcon.png Planar

ExtrudeCurve.png Extrude Curve

ExtrudeSurface.png Extrude Surface

SurfaceRevolve.png Revolve

SurfaceSweep.png Sweep

SurfaceCrossSection.png Cross Section

SurfaceSkin.png Skin

SurfaceOffset.png Offset

Surface3Edge.png 3 Edge

Surface4Edge.png 4 Edge

Multipatch.png Multisided Patch

SurfaceFillet.png Fillet

SurfaceExtend.png Extend

SurfIntersectCurves.png Intersection Curves

UntrimSurface.png Untrim Surface

BreakSurfacesIcon.png Break Surface

swung_w.bmp Swung Surface

Ruled_w.bmp Ruled Surface


The Solid Functions

The Solids menu and the Solids toolbar both contain the following functions for creating solids.


Sphere.png Sphere

Cube.png Cube

Cone.png Cone

Cylinder.png Cylinder

Torus.png Torus

SolidFillet.png Fillet

SolidAdd.png Add

SolidSubtract.png Subtract

SolidIntersect.png Intersect

extrude_boss_w.bmp Extrude Boss

CAD_Solids_ExtrudeCut_Large.png Extrude Cut

split_w1.bmp Split

shell_w.bmp Shell

solid-imprint-24-22.bmp Imprint

2D and 3D - Geometry Modification

The Utility Functions

The Utility menu and the Utility toolbar both contain the following Utility functions with many geometry modification tools.


Mirror.png Mirror

Rotate.png Rotate

Rotate3DIcon.png Rotate 3D

Translate.png Translate

Trim Extend

TrimScreen.png Screen

TrimOne.png One Entity

TrimTwo.png Two Entities

TrimModal.png Modal

TrimString.png Strings

TrimExtendQuickTrimIcon.png Quick Trim


BreakScreen.png Screen

BreakEntity.png Entity

BreakAngle.png Angle

BreakMany.png Many

BreakDivide.png Divide


MeasureOneIcon.png Entity

MeasureTwoIcon.pngTwo Entities

Extract Edges

ExtractEdgeSingleIcon.png Single

ExtractEdgesFromSolidIcon.png From Solid


StitchSurfaceIcon.png Stitch Surfaces to Solid

UnstitchSolidToSurfaceIcon.png Unstitch Solid to Surfaces

UnstitchSurfaceFromSolidIcon.png Unstitch Surface from Solid


EraseDoublesIcon.png Erase Doubles

MakeArcsTangentialIcon.png Make Arcs Tangential

CleanupOptimizeIcon.png Cleanup / Optimize

RevContour.png Reverse Contour

Explode.png Explode

RevNormal.png Reverse Surface Normal

DragCorner.png Drag Corner

Deform.png Deform

UnwrapIcon24x24.png Unwrap

StretchIcon24x23.png Stretch

nu_scale_w.bmp Nonuniform Scale

2D Boolean

CAD_Icon_Spun.png  Spun Profile


Modifying Entity Attributes

The Edit Menu contains many tools for modifying the attributes of geometry, such as color, layer, and visibility.


The CAD Tree

The CAD Tree is a solid history tree that contains CAD Features for all solid and surface creation and modifications.