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The Imprint function is designed to extrude a curve, and subtract an existing CAD model from that extrusion, while keeping the original model and the newly created imprint.





To open Imprint, do one of the following:





The parameters display in the DataEntryTabIcon.png Data Entry tab of the Data-CAM Tree Manager.

The Data Entry Parameters

Profile Chains

Profile Chains lists all selected entities to use as the profile of the imprint.

Icon_WPF_Delete.png (Delete) - removes the selected entity from the Profile Chains list.
Icon_WPF_DeleteAll.png (Delete All)- removes all entities from the Profile Chains list.

Selected Solids

Selected Solids lists all solids that have been selected to make an imprint of.

Icon_WPF_Delete.png (Delete) - removes the selected entity from the Selected Solids list.
Icon_WPF_DeleteAll.png (Delete All)- removes all entities from the Selected Solids list.



This group defines how far the imprint is extruded prior to being subtracted from the selected solids.


RadioButtonSelected.png Default  Distance - extrudes the Profile Chains through the entirety of the Selected Solids, unless a specific distance is entered.

RadioButtonClear.png Pick a Point - allows you to pick a point / snap point to extrude the imprint to.

RadioButtonClear.png End Surface - allows you to pick a surface to extrude to. The selected surface also acts as a Split Surface on the extrusion. Click here to see an example.

Important : When using the End Surface option, the selected surface should be larger than the Profile Chains selected to be the imprints.

RadioButtonSelected.png Along Normal - extrudes the Profile Chains along the normal of the Profile Chains.

RadioButtonClear.png Along Z-Axis - extrudes the Profile Chains along the Z direction of the current UCS.


Quick Steps - Imprint

To create an imprint, there are only a few key steps to follow:


1      Select the Profile Chains.

These are the entities that will be extruded to make the imprint.

By default, the Profile Chains has focus and is ready to have Profile Chains added.

2      Click in the Selected Solids list to put focus on it.

3      Select the Selected Solids.

These are the solids the imprint is to be made from.

With a solid selected, the preview is displayed.

4      Set the Distance.  

This is how much to extrude from the Profile Chains.



5      To confirm the Imprint, click OKCheckmarkIconWhite.png (OK), or press Spacebar.

The feature is added to the CAD Tree.



6      Click Cancel to close the function.


Related Topics

Imprint Example

The CAD Overview