The Tool Pattern Dialog Box


The Tool Pattern dialog box controls the number and order of Mill, Lathe, and Wire EDM operations that are used, by default, when creating machining features in the CAM Wizards. These groups of operations are called Templates. The Tool Pattern dialog box displays all of the available Feature Types for Mill, Lathe, and Wire EDM and lists the operation Templates for each feature.


To access the Tool Pattern Program dialog box:


The Dialog Box Parameters

View the Tool Pattern dialog box


Key Terms

The following list provides definitions for important BobCAD-CAM terms that are used later in this topic.


There are two main parts of the Tool Pattern dialog box. On the left side of the dialog box is the Feature and Operation Template tree. The items under each feature type folder contains all of the available operation templates for that feature. When you select an operation template, the Operations in Template and Available Operations lists are displayed on the right side of the dialog box. This is the second part, the Operations lists. You use the operations lists to customize the Tool Pattern.


Operations in Template

The Operations in Template list shows the default operations that are used when you create a feature using the selected template.

TIP:   The number and order of operations can be customized in the CAM wizard (at any time during or after feature creation).


Available Operations

The Available Operations list shows all operations that you can add to the Operations in Template list.






To learn more, view Customizing Operations.

Related Topics

The CAM Overview