The CAM Overview

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Getting Started Machining

The CAM Tree is where all machining programs start in BobCAD-CAM. The CAM Tree is used to define system settings, including the system defaults and job settings. It is also used to create and edit machining jobs, tools, stock, and features. This topic contains an introduction to all of the major areas of the CAM system and provides links to all of the machining topics in this help system.


Read Me First - CAM Quick Guide

Setting Defaults and Creating Jobs

CAMPartIconFolder.png CAM Defaults

The CAM defaults and new jobs are handled using the top folder in the CAM Tree, CAMPartIconFolder.png CAM Defaults. This item is always available in the CAM Tree. The CAM Defaults include the Current Settings, Cutting Conditions, Tool Pattern, Tool Library, Thread Library, Stock Material Library, Adapter Library, and Tool Holder Library. You start with the CAM Defaults to define the system settings as you need them. This includes machine creation and setup, tool data, operation defaults, and stock materials. You can also use CAM Defaults to start a new machining job.


To create a new job or define system defaults for machining:


1      In the CAMTabIconBBCD.pngCAM Tree, right-click CAMPartIconFolder.png CAM Defaults.


2      Select an item from the shortcut menu as explained in CAM Defaults.

CAM Jobs

All CAM Jobs start with the Machining Job dialog box. You select the Job Type and the machine for the job. You can then start the Stock Wizard, Lathe Stock Wizard, or the Nesting Wizard to begin creating the program. Before you create a job, the CAM Tree only contains the CAM Defaults folder. When you create a CAM job, it is added to the CAM Tree with all the items that you need to start creating the program. The following section shows what items are added to the CAM Tree for each job type. Click the links in the following section to learn all about CAM Jobs.


Milling Job

The following items are added to the CAM Tree when you create a Milling job.


CAMDefaultsIcon.png Milling Job

TreeMinusThruLines.pngMachDefMachIcon.png Machine

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesElbowEnd.pngPostProcessorIcon.png Post Processor

TreeLinesBranch.pngMillingToolsIconWhite.png Milling Tools

TreeMinusThruLines.pngMillingStockIconWhite.png Stock

TreeLinesNoBranches.pngTreeLinesElbowEnd.pngMaterialStockIconWhite.png Stock Material

TreeLinesBranch.pngMillingStockIconWhite.png Workpiece

TreeLinesElbowEnd.pngMachineSetupIcon.png Machine Setup


To learn about Milling Jobs, view The Milling Job.


Turning Job

The following items are added to the CAM Tree when you create a Turning job.


CAMDefaultsIcon.png Turning Job

TreeMinusThruLines.pngMachDefMachIcon.png Machine

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesElbowEnd.pngPostProcessorIcon.png Post Processor

TreeLinesBranch.pngMillingToolsIconWhite.png Turning Tools

TreeMinusThruLines.pngTurningStockIcon.png Stock

TreeLinesNoBranches.pngTreeLinesElbowEnd.pngMaterialStockIconWhite.png Stock Material

TreeLinesBranch.pngMillingStockIconWhite.png Workpiece

TreeLinesElbowEnd.pngMachineSetupIcon.png Machine Setup


To learn about Turning Jobs, view The Turning Job.


Mill Turn Job

The following items are added to the CAM Tree when you create a Mill Turn job.


CAMDefaultsIcon.png Mill Turn Job

TreeMinusThruLines.pngMachDefMachIcon.png Machine

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesElbowEnd.pngPostProcessorIcon.png Post Processor

TreeLinesBranch.pngMillingToolsIconWhite.png Mill Turn Tools

TreeMinusThruLines.pngMillingStockIconWhite.png Stock

TreeLinesNoBranches.pngTreeLinesElbowEnd.pngMaterialStockIconWhite.png Stock Material

TreeLinesBranch.pngMillingStockIconWhite.png Workpiece

TreeMinusWEndLines.pngMachineSetupIcon.png Machine Setup

      TreeLinesElbowEnd.pngMachDefMachIcon.png Submachine


To learn about Mill Turn Jobs, view The Mill Turn Job.


Wire EDM Job

The following items are added to the CAM Tree when you create a Wire EDM job.


CAMDefaultsIcon.png Wire EDM Job

TreeMinusThruLines.pngMachDefMachIcon.png Machine

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesElbowEnd.pngPostProcessorIcon.png Post Processor

TreeMinusThruLines.pngEDMStockIcon.png Stock

TreeLinesNoBranches.pngTreeLinesElbowEnd.pngMaterialStockIconWhite.png Stock Material

TreeLinesBranch.pngMillingStockIconWhite.png Workpiece

TreeLinesElbowEnd.pngMachineSetupIcon.png Machine Setup


To learn about Wire EDM Jobs, view The Wire EDM Job.


Nesting Job

The following items are added to the CAM Tree when you create a Nesting job.


CAMDefaultsIcon.png Nesting Job

TreeMinusThruLines.pngMachDefMachIcon.png Machine

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesElbowEnd.pngPostProcessorIcon.png Post Processor

TreeLinesBranch.pngMillingToolsIconWhite.png Milling Tools

TreeMinusThruLines.png SheetsIcon.png Sheets

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesBranch.pngSheetIcon.png Sheet

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesElbowEnd.pngMaterialStockIconWhite.png Stock Material

TreeMinusThruLines.png DefOpsIcon.png Default Operations

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeMinusThruLines.pngFeatureIconWhite.png Default Profile

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesElbowEnd.pngProOpIcon.png Profile

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeMinusThruLines.pngFeatureIconWhite.png Default Drill

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesElbowEnd.pngDrillOpIcon.png Drill Hole

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeMinusWEndLines.pngFeatureIconWhite.png Default Dado

TreeLinesNoBranches.png       TreeLinesElbowEnd.pngProOpIcon.png Profile

TreeLinesElbowEnd.pngMachineSetupIcon.png Machine Setup


To learn about Nesting Jobs, view The Nesting Job.


The machine is an integral part of setting up the software to create machining programs. The machine controls various settings such as the post processor and posting parameters for the machine and what type of programming functionality is available for the current job, such as multiaxis output. The following topics contain everything you need to know about machines in BobCAD-CAM.


Machine Configuration

The Current Settings Dialog Box

How to Create a Machine

The Machine Definition

Machine Selection in the CAM Tree

The Machine Setup

The Machine Setup Dialog Box

The Machine Setup Modification and Feature Creation

Creating Tools

The Tool Library contains the tool data for all Mill and Lathe tools in the system with a Drill category that is shared between the two. Creating your tools in the library can greatly speed up program creation. This makes it easy to add the tools that you need for a job to the Tool Crib, which aids in proper tool selection for feature operations in the CAM Wizards.


The Tool Library

The Tool Crib

The Mill Turn Tool Crib

Creating Stock

Milling, Turning, Mill Turn, and Wire EDM Jobs start with stock creation which leads you into the Machine Setup to define the machining origin, work offset number, and clearance plane for the Machine Setup. After defining these parameters, you are ready to start creating machining features. Nesting Jobs are handled using the Nesting Wizard which creates Sheets to define the stock for nesting parts.


The Stock Wizard (Mill, Mill Turn, Wire EDM)

The Lathe Stock Wizard

The Nesting Wizard

Stock Materials and Feeds and Speeds

Setting the stock material for your job defines the feeds and speeds that are used for automatic feedrate calculations in the CAM Wizards.


The Stock Material Library

Stock Material Selection and Modification

Stock Materials for Wire EDM

The CAM Wizards

When you create a CAM feature, the CAM wizard displays to guide you through creating the machining feature. You select the geometry, set the parameters, define the machining strategy, or number and order of operations for the feature, and define the operation parameters. When you finish a machining wizard, the Feature is added to the CAM Tree.


The Milling Wizard

The Multiaxis Wizard

The Lathe Wizard

The Wire EDM Wizard

The Nesting Wizard

Customizing Operations

Features in the CAM Tree

When you finish a wizard, the feature is added to the job in the CAM Tree. The Feature tree handles feature modification, feature creation, feature status, and operation status. This includes posting status, toolpath visibility, toolpath color, and naming. Editing of geometry selection, boundary selection, operation start points, and toolpath calculation is also accomplished using the Feature tree.


Milling Features in the CAM Tree

Turning Features in the CAM Tree

Wire EDM Features in the CAM Tree

Toolpath Patterning

Toolpath patterns are used to create repetitive programs from a feature, machine setup, wrapping group, or index system.


Toolpath Patterns

4 and 5 Axis

The following items are used to create programs for 4 and 5 Axis machining. (View the CAM Wizard topics to learn about the 4 Axis Rotary and Multiaxis features.)


Indexing Programs

4 Axis Wrapping


The Nesting module provides many tools for optimizing sheet cutting with nested parts.


The Nesting Overview

Laser, Plasma, and Waterjet Machining

Creating programs for routers, laser, plasma, and waterjet machines follows the same process as milling with some minor differences in the setup process.


Laser, Plasma, and Waterjet

Program Simulation

Program simulation provides an extensive set of tools for verifying the programs that you create.


Getting Started with Simulation


All of the following topics explain what you need to know about creating NC programs (G-Code). The machine is an important part of posting programs in BobCAD-CAM. The following topics explain machine and post processor setup, posting order control, post processor selection and customizing, and how to post (output) the G-code.


The Current Settings Dialog Box

The Machining Order

Post Processors

The Posting Tab

Customizing Operations

Creating Setup Sheets