The Nesting Job

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The Nesting Job in the CAM Tree provides the tools needed to define job settings, machine and post processor selection, tools, sheets, and feature operations. This topics explains everything that is included in the Nesting Job in the CAM Tree.


To create a Nesting Job, use one of the following two options:




The Machining Job dialog box displays.


The Nesting Job in the CAM Tree

The following items are added to the CAM Tree after you finish the Nesting Wizard. All items in blue will have context menus available if you right-click on them in the Nesting Job. For this example, left-click an item below to see the context menu associated with that item as it would appear when you right-click on it in the CAM Tree.

CAMDefaultsIcon.png Nesting Job

TreeMinusThruLines.pngMachDefMachIcon.png Machine

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesElbowEnd.pngPostProcessorIcon.png Post Processor

TreeLinesBranch.pngMillingToolsIconWhite.png Milling Tools

TreeMinusThruLines.png SheetsIcon.png Sheets

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeMinusThruLines.pngSheetIcon.png Sheet-1

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesNoBranches.pngTreeLinesElbowEnd.pngSheetIcon.png Sheet 1-1

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesNoBranches.pngTreeLinesElbowEnd.pngSheetIcon.png Sheet 1-2

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeMinusThruLines.pngSheetIcon.png Sheet-2

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesNoBranches.pngTreeLinesElbowEnd.pngSheetIcon.png Sheet 2-1

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesElbowEnd.png MaterialStockIconWhite.png Stock Material

TreeMinusThruLines.png DefOpsIcon.png Default Operations

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeMinusThruLines.png FeatureIconWhite.png Default Profile

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesElbowEnd.pngProOpIcon.png Profile

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeMinusThruLines.png FeatureIconWhite.png Default Drill

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesElbowEnd.pngDrillOpIcon.png Drill Hole

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeMinusWEndLines.png FeatureIconWhite.png Default Dado

TreeLinesNoBranches.png       TreeLinesElbowEnd.pngProOpIcon.png Profile

TreeMinusWEndLines.pngMachineSetupIcon.png Machine Setup

     TreeMinusThruLines.png NestingPartIcon.pngPart 1

            TreeMinusThruLines.png FeatureIconWhite.png Outer Profile

            TreeLinesNoBranches.pngTreeLinesBranch.pngChainStartIcon.png   Default Chain Start Point

            TreeLinesNoBranches.pngTreeMinusWEndLines.png ProOpIcon.png   Profile

            TreeLinesNoBranches.png      TreeLinesElbowEnd.png  RedPlusIcon.pngChainStartIcon.pngChain Start Point

            TreeMinusThruLines.png FeatureIconWhite.png Hole -

            TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesElbowEnd.png DrillOpIcon.png  Drill Hole

            TreeMinusThruLines.png FeatureIconWhite.png Inner Profile

            TreeLinesNoBranches.pngTreeLinesBranch.pngChainStartIcon.png   Default Chain Start Point

            TreeLinesNoBranches.pngTreeMinusWEndLines.png ProOpIcon.png   Profile

            TreeLinesNoBranches.png      TreeLinesElbowEnd.png  RedPlusIcon.pngChainStartIcon.pngChain Start Point 

            TreeMinusWEndLines.png FeatureIconWhite.png Dado

                  TreeLinesBranch.pngChainStartIcon.png   Default Chain Start Point

                  TreeMinusWEndLines.png ProOpIcon.png   Profile

                        TreeLinesElbowEnd.png  RedPlusIcon.pngChainStartIcon.pngChain Start Point


The Shortcut Menus

Job Settings, Commands, Adding Parts, and Calculating the Nest

Right-click Nesting Job to open a shortcut menu with the following commands.


CAMDefaultsIcon.png Nesting Job


Machine Selection

Right-click Machine to open a shortcut menu with the following command.


MachDefMachIcon.png Machine


Post Processor Selection

Right-click Post Processor to open a shortcut menu with the following command.


PostProcessorIcon.png Post Processor


Tool Information and Setup

Right-click Milling Tools to open a shortcut menu with the following commands.


MillingToolsIconWhite.png Milling Tools


Modifying and Adding Nesting Sheets


TreeMinusThruLines.png SheetsIcon.png Sheets                 

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeMinusThruLines.pngSheetIcon.png Sheet-1            

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesNoBranches.pngTreeLinesElbowEnd.pngSheetIcon.png Sheet 1-1   

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesNoBranches.pngTreeLinesElbowEnd.pngSheetIcon.png Sheet 1-2   

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeMinusThruLines.pngSheetIcon.png Sheet-2             

TreeLinesNoBranches.png TreeLinesNoBranches.pngTreeLinesElbowEnd.pngSheetIcon.png Sheet 2-1   

Global for all sheets
Sheet type 1
Sheet type 1 first sheet (sub sheet)
Sheet type 1 second sheet (sub sheet)
Sheet type 2
Sheet type 2 first sheet (sub sheet)


Right-click SheetsIcon.png / SheetIcon.png to open a shortcut menu with the following commands.


SheetsIcon.png Sheets


SheetIcon.png Sheet-1

SheetIcon.png Sheet-1-1

Stock Material Selection and Modification

Right-click Stock Material to open a shortcut menu with the following command.


MaterialStockIconWhite.png Stock Material


Modifying the Default Operations

There are three potential default operations for every Nesting Job: Default Profile, Default Drill, and Default Dado. The default operations are created based on the geometry selections and their CAD layers that you made in the Nesting Wizard. The shortcut menu commands for these items are listed next. These items are used to modify the settings that you selected in the Nesting Wizard.


FeatureIconWhite.png Default Profile

This item is a specialized feature that is used in Nesting only. The Default Profile defines the machining operations that are used for all Inner Profile and Outer Profile geometry items that you selected. This item is provided to allow you to modify the operation parameters that you assigned in the wizard. The next section in this topic shows the machining features that are created for each nesting Part. When you click Use Default from a feature that displays under any Part, it uses the settings defined for this feature.


FeatureIconWhite.png Default Drill

This specialized feature is only added when holes are being created. Adding this feature can be done by selected arcs from a layer labeled as Holes. Another way to accomplish this is to assign a layer to the Holes Layers group in the Nesting Layer Manager. This feature defines the default operation parameters that are used for hole drilling in nesting and applied to all Hole features that are created for any Part. This item is provided for you to modify the operation parameters that you selected in the Nesting Wizard.


FeatureIconWhite.png Default Dado

This specialized feature is only added when dadoes are being created. Adding this feature can be done by selected geometry from a layer labeled as dado. Another way to accomplish this is to assign a layer to the Dado Layers group in the Nesting Layer Manager. This feature defines the default operation parameters for Dado (open shape) cutting in nesting and applied to all Dado features that are created for any Part.


ProOpIcon.png Operations

The operations displayed below each default feature do not contain a right-click shortcut menu.


The Machine Setup, Clearance Plane, Modifying Geometry and Operations

The Machine Setup, or machining origin, for Nesting is fixed at the WCS, which is the CAD origin. The Machine Setup of the Nesting Job contains all of the parts that you selected in the Nesting Wizard. The tree items which are added for each part are listed below. When you right-click these items the following shortcut menus will be displayed.


MachineSetupIcon.png Machine Setup

The Machine Setup for Nesting is fixed at the WCS. All of the Parts that were automatically created from the nesting geometry selections display under the Machine Setup. Right-click Machine Setup to open a shortcut menu with the following options.


NestingPartIcon.png Part

Right-click any Part listed below the Machine Setup to open a shortcut menu with the following command.


The following items are added below each Part. You may have some or all of the following items depending on the parts you are nesting and the settings you defined in the Nesting Wizard.


FeatureIconWhite.png Outer Profile/Inner Profile/Dado/Hole

The features that are added under any Part use the Default Operations settings initially. You can customize these operations using the following commands. The features that are created are based on the selected geometry and how the layer assignment has utilized. These can be Outer Profile, Inner Profile, Hole, or Dado. Right-click the feature name to access the following shortcut menu commands. This menu will changed based on the current setting. If the feature is set to default settings, you will see the Customize option and the Edit option will be unavailable. If the feature has been customized, you will see the Use Default option and the Edit option will be available.


For information about setting start points for operations, view Setting Chain Start Points for Operations.

Related Topics

The Nesting Overview

The Nesting Wizard