Nesting Parameters

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This Nesting Parameters page of the Nesting Wizard contains options to control the order and direction of the nesting results, the distance between each part, the distance between parts and the edge of the material, the orientation of the nested parts, and how the part priorities are handled.

Nesting Parameters

Toolpath Generation

The Toolpath Generation section contains the following options that determine how the nesting result is machined. You can also select whether or not the system nests the parts with toolpath.


Generate Toolpath Before Nesting

CheckBoxSelected.png When selected, the system calculates the toolpath before nesting the parts.

CheckBoxCleared.png Clear the check box and the system nests the parts without creating toolpath. When not generating toolpath, none of the remaining parameters in this section apply to the nested result.


Cut Compensation - Determines the cutting direction for inner and outer profiles in the nest.




Cutting Sequence

Sets the starting position and cutting direction of the nested results. Select from the lists  to determine the corner to start from, and then select either the up and down direction or left to right direction option.


Start Corner - allows you to decide where the cuts should begin on the nested sheet.

Upper Left

Upper Right





Lower Left

Lower Right




Cutting Direction - is the direction the sheet will be cut in. This can be thought of as the direction the wave of completed parts is moving in.


Cut Pattern






 Max Part Distance - allows you to set a maximum distance to jump between the lead out of the current part, to the lead in of the next. In most cases, this is used to make sure that the cuts are kept as close together as possible.




Thermal Distance - allows you to set a minimum distance to jump between the offset value of one toolpath to the offset of another. In most cases, this is used to make sure that the distance between one completed part and the next are far enough away that the heat from the cuts does not build up enough to cause warping. For more information on Thermal Distance, click here.




Cut Large Parts Later

CheckBoxCleared.png When cleared, the size of a part will not affect the cutting sequence.

CheckBoxSelected.png When selected, the ration between the part area and the sheet area can affect the cutting sequence within the Max Part Distance.  


Large Part Percentage - This value is the area of the part (P) divided by the area of the sheet (S), multiplied by one hundred. (P/S)*100



The Parameters section contains the following options to determine how the system calculates the nesting result.






Sequencing - For parts with no priority assigned, this is a way to set which parts will be nested first.




Part in Part


Allow Part in Part  

CheckBoxCleared.png By default, this check box is cleared. When cleared parts will not be nested inside the inner profiles of other parts, even when sizes permit.

CheckBoxSelected.png When selected, parts will be nested inside of other parts when possible.




Preferential Hole Filling

CheckBoxCleared.png By default, this check box is cleared. When cleared, no priority will be given to filling inner profiles.

CheckBoxSelected.png When selected, the space inside the inner profiles of parts will be given priority in the nested results.






Filler Part


Other Options



CheckBoxCleared.png When cleared no additional optimization tools will be used.

CheckBoxSelected.png When selected, you will be able to launch the Nesting Optimizers dialog box.


Remnant Sheet

CheckBoxCleared.png When cleared, remnant sheets will not be used.

CheckBoxSelected.png When selected, you will be able to launch the Remnant Sheet dialog box.


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After defining all Nesting Parameters, click Next>> to go to the Default Profile page.