Remnant Sheet Parameters


In some cases, nesting parameters result in unused sheet material. The Remnant Sheet Parameters dialogue box gives you a means to control which portion of unused material is saved to use for other nests.


Default Remnant Shape- allows you to define the shape the remnants will be defaulted to once the nest is computed. Although all remnants will be set to this default shape, individual sheets can be adjusted after the nest is computed in the Remnant Sheet dialogue box.


  • True Shape - this option tries to determine the true shape of the remaining stock.

  • Rectangular - produces only rectangular remnants.


    • Max Ratio of Width to Height - is designed to give you control over the shape of the rectangular remnant. The actual value is how many times larger the longest side is compared to the shortest. In the image below, you start with a 1*1 square and keep adding 1 to its length. In the last case, the longest length is 6 times the length of the shortest. The value to enter to exclude a remnant beyond this ratio would then be 6. This would then allow a 1*6 piece, a 2*12 piece, a 3*36 piece and so on. A 1*7 piece would be disqualified and therefore excluded.

  • Stepped- places a bounding box around the remaining parts and gives the remaining stock as remnants.

  • Clean Cut - creates a line at the nested height and turns everything above that height into a remnant.


Constraint by % of Sheet Area - looks at the intended remnant and checks its area compared to the area of the original sheet. If the value entered is not met, the remnant will be discarded.  Divide the intended remnant sheet area by the original sheet area to find the percentage value to enter.


Constraint by % of Sheet Width - looks at the intended remnant and checks its width compared to the width of the original sheet. If the value entered is not met, the remnant will be discarded.  Divide the intended remnant sheet width by the original sheet width to find the percentage value to enter.


  • OK - finalizes any changes that were made and returns you to the Nesting Parameters page.

  • Cancel - will void any changes that were made and returns you to the Nesting Parameters page.


To go through an example of how to generate the remnant sheet and export the geometry, click here.