The graphics area Context Menu
This topic will explain the context menu in the graphics area, the options found in it, and will provide links to related topics.
To access the graphics area context menu:
Right-click anywhere in the graphics area.
The graphics area Context Menu
The graphics area context menu provides access to many of the options that are available from the BobCAD-CAM menus or toolbars along with many other useful functions.
OK - is used primarily after selecting geometry to confirm the selection. (You can also press the Spacebar.) This can sometimes be used to perform functions from the Data Entry Manager.
Cancel - allows you to cancel the current function.
Select Mode - enables Selection Mode to allow selection of geometry in the graphics area.
Selection Mask - opens the Selection Mask/Snap Points dialog box allowing you to modify the selection masks.
Point - opens the Point dialog, allowing you to access the point functions.
Line - opens the Line dialog, allowing you to access the Line functions.
Arc - opens the Arc dialog, allowing you to access the Arc functions.
Spline - opens the Spline dialog, allowing you to access the Spline functions.
- Utilities
Translate - is used to move geometry.
Rotate - rotates geometry around a defined axis.
Rotate 3D - rotates geometry around any axis (user-defined line).
Mirror - creates an inverted version of selected geometry.
Scale - is used to scale (resize) wireframe or solid entities with separate scaling factors for each of the three coordinate axes.
Align - is used to simultaneously move and rotate geometry.
- Entity Summary - opens
the Entities
Summary dialog box which gives numerous parameters of either
selected entities, or when no selections are made, all the entities
in the graphics area.
Measure One - opens the Measure One function allowing you to measure individual entities you select in the graphics area.
Measure Two - opens the Measure Two function allowing you to measure two entities you select in the graphics area.
- Views - allows you to access
the available view presets. For more information on the views, see
Document Toolbar topic.
Refresh - is used to refresh the graphical display of the graphics area.
Customize... - opens the Customize Context Menu, allowing you to define the specific functions available through the context menu.
Customize Context Menu
The Customize Context Menu page allows you to:
- Modify the existing context menu layout
- Add your own sub menus
- Add commands to the sub menus
- Add Separators
All Commands: |
- Add >> - The highlighted command will be added under the highlighted command, separator, or sub menu.
- << Remove - The highlighted item and its children will be removed.
- The highlighted command will be moved up the list.
- The highlighted command will be moved down the list.
- Import - Allows you to import previously saved context menus. When you click Import, a file open dialog will appear allowing you to select a .xml file. Locate the file and click OK, and the context will automatically update. It can then be modified further.
- Export - Allows you to export the current context menu. When you click Export, a save as dialog will appear allowing you to name, and save the current ribbon as a .xml file. This can then be saved for use at a later time, or shared with other users.
- Reset - Allows you to load the default context menu layout into the dialog. This will present you with a message to ensure you want to reset the context menu to its default state. Clicking Yes will throw away any changes in progress and load the default context menu.