Migration / Feature Conversion


This topic describes the Migration and Feature Conversion dialogs contained in the BobCAD Utility and explains how to use them.

The Migration dialog

The Migration dialog allows you to update your version while maintaining saved settings, features, machines, posts, and the like. The dialog contains the following items.



  • Product Type - Select the product to be migrated.

  • Migrate to current PC - automatically moves the selected folders/files to the selected migration version.

  • Export migration file - zips the selected folders/files so they may be transferred to another PC and imported.

  • Import migration file - unzips and moves the selected folder/files to the selected migration version.

Migration Version


  • Migrate to current PC

    • Migrate system files and settings from  Version: - This defines the version whose data is being copied in order to update the current version.

    • Migrate system files and settings to Version: - This defines the version being whose data is being updated.

  • Export migration file

    • Migrate system files and settings from  Version: - This defines the version whose data is being copied in order to update the current version.

    • File Destination - determines the location to save the exported migration file.

  • Import migration file

    • Open File - sets the location of the file to be imported for migration.

    • Migrate system files and settings to Version: - This defines the version being whose data is being updated.



  • System files and settings: - defines the location of the zip file being saved. Enter the location manually, or click the ellipses button to open the Save As dialog. The Save As dialog allows you to search for the location which the file is saved. The file type is set to zip by default.

    • Settings - copies options set in the System and Document Default tabs of the Settings dialog from the selected version in order to import it into the current version.
    • Data folder 
      • Tool Library - copies the Tool Library from the selected version in order to import it into the current version.
      • Stock Material Library - copies the Stock Material Library from the selected version in order to import it into the current version.
      • Thread Library - copies the Thread Library from the selected version in order to import it into the current version.
      • Milling Tool Holder Library - copies the Milling Tool Holder Library from the selected version in order to import it into the current version.
      • Adapter Library - copies the Adapter Library from the selected version in order to import it into the current version.
      • Features - copies the saved job features from the selected version in order to import it into the current version.
      • Machines - copies the machines from the selected version in order to import it into the current version.
      • NC - copies saved NC files from the selected version in order to import it into the current version.
      • Posts - copies the posts from the selected version in order to import it into the current version.
      • Setup Sheets - copies the setup sheets from the selected version in order to import it into the current version.
      • Profile Layouts - copies the saved profile layouts from the selected version in order to import it into the current version.
      • Miscellaneous System Files - copies the files in the System Files folder from the selected version in order to import it into the current version.
      • Knowledge Base - copies the Knowledge Base files from the selected version in order to import it into the current version.
      • Default Parameters - copies the Default Parameters from the selected version in order to import it into the current version.
      • Wire Cutting Conditions - copies the Wire Cutting Conditions from the selected version in order to import it into the current version.

  • Apply - will complete the Migrate/Export/Import action.

The Feature Conversion dialog

Directories of Saved Feature(s)

This group lists all saved features in the currently selected directory.


  • Include subfolders
    - Only features in the specifically selected directories are included in the conversion.
    - Features in sub-directories are included in the conversion.

  • Add Directory - Opens the Browse for Folder dialog, allowing you to select another directory to define the location of saved features to be converted.

  • Delete - Removes the selected directory from the list.

  • Delete All - Removes all directories from the list.



  • Convert to Template - converts all saved features in the specified directories to Templates.


Converted Templates

Lists all the templates created when the Convert to Template button was used.


  • Clean - removes all the converted templates from the list.


Note: This option does not remove the newly converted templates from the directory they were created in.


Example 1 : Migration

  1. Click Migration.

    The BobCAD Utility opens with the Migration page shown first by default.

  2. In the Options group, update the Product Type to the Product being migrated.

  3. Select whether you are: 

    1. Updating your version on the same computer. (Migrate to current PC) 

    2. Updating your version on another computer. (Export migration file) 

  4. Update the Migration Version section: 

    1. When updating your version on the same computer: 

      1. Select the version you are updating. (Migrate system files and settings from Version:)

      2. Select the version you are updating to. (Migrate system files and settings to Version:)

    2. When updating your version on another computer: 

      1. Select the version you are updating. (Migrate system files and settings from Version:)

      2. Select where the files should be saved. (File Destination)

  5. In the System files and settings section, select all items to be included in the migration.

  6. The versions selected in the Migration Version group should be closed at this point.

  7. Click Apply.

    1. When updating your version on the same computer: 

      1. A message appears asking if the current data folder should be overwritten.

        Click Yes.

        The files are automatically updated, and the migration is complete.

    2. When updating your version on another computer: 

      1. A message appears informing you the file has been created.

      2. Transfer this file to the computer being updated.

      3. Open the BobCAD Utility.

        This can be done through the software, or by opening the BcUtility.exe in the ...\Program Files\BobCAD-CAM\*Current Version* folder directly.

        If opening through the software, the software should be closed once the BobCAD Utility is open.

      4. Set the Product type and select Import migration file.

      5. In the Migration Version group, set the Open File location to the directory the migration file was saved.

      6. Update the Migrate system files and settings to Version: option as needed.

      7. Click Apply.

        A message appears informing you the import has been completed. Your version is now updated.

Example 2 : Feature Conversion

  1. In the Directories of Saved Feature(s) group, click Add Directory.

    The Browse for Folder dialog appears.

  2. Navigate to one of the locations of saved Features you intend to convert into templates.

  3. Select the location and click OK.

    The location is added to the list.

  4. Repeat this process for all location containing features to be converted.


Note: If the Include subfolders option is selected, you do not need to specify folders located inside of folders already added to the list, as these will be included automatically.


  1. If any directories are added by mistake, highlight the directory to be removed from the list, and click Delete.

  2. With all directories added, click Convert to Template.

    The features are converted and listed in the Converted Templates group.

  3. The BobCAD Utility can now be closed.

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