Emboss 2-Rail Sweep


This topic will explain the Emboss 2-Rail Sweep, describe where to find it, the options found in it, and will provide links to related topics.

Emboss 2-Rail Sweep

The Emboss 2-Rail Sweep feature creates an emboss with one or more cross sections swept along two rails. Generally, the two rails are drawn inside the BobART Canvas you create, and the cross section geometry can be drawn anywhere in the XY plane of the coordinate system selected for the emboss model. Be sure to click the links available in this topic to view more information about a given option.

To create a 2 Rail Sweep feature:


  • In the BobART tab, right-click Emboss Model, and click Emboss2 Rail Sweep.


The Emboss 2-Rail Sweep dialog displays.


Quick Access


  •  Apply - regenerates the canvas to display the current parameters of the feature.

  •  OK - regenerates the canvas to display the current parameters of the feature and exits the dialog.

  •  Cancel - discards the updates to the parameters and exits the dialog.

  •  Show or Hide all images in the graphics area - This option will show all hidden images in the graphics area. This same option will hide all images in the graphics area, besides the one being worked on for those features which utilize a loaded image.

  •  Show or Hide the embossed BobART model in the graphics area - This option will show the hidden canvas in the graphics area. This same option will hide the visible canvas in the graphics area.




  • Name - indicates the feature name that displays in the BobART tree. By default, it is automatically named by the feature type and number. Note that you cannot use the hyphen (-) character with spaces around it, as this is reserved for the automatic naming and will be removed. You can however use it without spaces, for example, Emboss-Body).

  • Color - click the drop down to select a Theme Color or Standard Color, or click More Colors to open the Select Color dialog. Select the desired color for the feature, and click OK to set the color, or Cancel to exit the dialog.


Application Type

These options are explained in more detail in the Application Types help topic.


Add Subtract Merge High Merge Low


  • Add - Builds up on top of the existing features.

  • Subtract - Pushes down into the existing features.

  • Merge High - Builds up independent of the existing features and intersects as needed.

  • Merge Low - Builds up in place of existing features.




Rail 1

Select the first entity or chain of entities to act as the first rail and define the direction of that chain.


Selected Geometry


(Delete) - removes the highlighted item from the list.

(Delete All)- removes all entities from the list.

The list box will list the entities currently selected for the function.


Selected Geometry


(Reverse) - Changes the direction of the chain.

This list box will show the chain currently selected for the function.



Rail 2

Select the second entity or chain of entities to act as the second rail and set the direction of that chain to match the direction of the first chain.


Selected Geometry


(Delete) - removes the highlighted item from the list.

(Delete All)- removes all entities from the list.

The list box will list the entities currently selected for the function.


Selected Geometry


(Reverse) - Changes the direction of the chain.

This list box will show the chain currently selected for the function.




Select the entities or chains of entities to act as the cross-sections of the sweep. Then set the directions of chains to match each other.


Selected Geometry


(Delete) - removes the highlighted item from the list.

(Delete All)- removes all entities from the list.

The list box will list the entities currently selected for the function.


Selected Geometry


(Reverse) - Changes the direction of the chain.

This list box will show the chain currently selected for the function.


Cross Section Spacing

The Cross Section Spacing parameter is used with three or more cross sections. By default, the Automatically Space Cross Sections option is selected which sets the Location % of each cross section. The Location % represents the distance along the rail. So, for example, when three rails are used, the first is set to 0%, the second to 50%, and the third to 100%. When the check box is cleared the Location % box becomes available allowing you to change the placement of a cross section along the rails. When manually setting the cross-section spacing, one cross section must be set to 0 % and another must be set to 100%, with the remaining cross sections set at any other distance.


  • Automatically space cross sections

    Select this check to automatically set the spacing between multiple cross sections along the two rails.

    Clear the check box to manually set the spacing between 3 or more cross sections along the two rails using the Location % box.

  • Location % - sets the distance along the rails (percentage of the rail length) at which the cross section is located. This option is used with a minimum of 3 cross sections.

    Select this check to automatically set the spacing between multiple cross sections along the two rails.

Cross Section Spacing Examples


A model is used as an example using the following geometry items.


First Cross Section Second Cross Section Third Cross Section


Sweeps generated with the previous entities using the three transition types are shown next.


The first image shown uses Automatically Space Cross Sections. The first cross section is set to 0%, so it begins on the far left. The second cross section is set to 50%, so it is centered. The last cross section is set to 100%, so the model ends with this geometry.


The next image shows the second cross section set to 75% instead of 50%.


If you decide that want to reverse the direction of a sweep you can take advantage of setting the spacing manually. Change the first cross section to 100%, and change the last cross section to 0%. This is shown in the following example.


Notice that the geometry location is now reversed along the rails.


Tip: The Transition Types and manual Cross Section Spacing are used with a minimum of three cross sections. When using 3 or more cross sections, set the first to 0%, and set the last cross section to 100%. The remaining cross sections can be placed at any other distance (%).





  • Scale Cross Section Based on Width - To learn more, view the Emboss 2 Rail Sweep Leaf tutorial.

    Select the check box to have the entire cross-section geometry, including the height, scaled to fit between the rails.

    Clear the check box to have the cross-section geometry width, excluding the height, scaled to fit between the rails. This results in a model with a height that is equal to the height of the selected cross section.

  • Sync Rail Nodes - To learn more, view the Sync Rail Nodes tutorial.

    For use when both rails have an equal number of entities, select this check box to force the cross sections to match at the end of each entity. Note that the start point of each rail should use the same location on each rail.

    When the check box is cleared there is no effect on the embossed model.

  • Use 3D Rails -

    Select the check box to use rails that are not flat. This allows the rails to extend outward from the surface of the model.

    Clear the check box to automatically flatten the 3D rails to the canvas surface.

  • Geometry List Box - is located below the Use 3D Rails check box, this box displays a list of the geometry associated with the operation. Click a geometry item to show a preview in the window below the Cross Section Spacing options.


Transition Type

Blends the shape of one cross section into the shape of the other. These options apply when three or more cross sections are in use. The Transition Types are for use with three or more cross sections. There are three transition types available:

  • Linear - creates a linear blend between the cross sections.

  • Local Smooth - creates a smooth blend from one cross section to the next to make a smoother appearing transition.

  • Global Smooth -creates a smooth blend between all cross sections in a manner similar to the Local Smooth transition type. This creates a smoother transition across the entire model.


Transition Examples


A model is used next in order to better show the difference between the transition types. The three cross section entities used in this example are shown next.


First Cross Section Second Cross Section Third Cross Section


Sweeps generated with the previous entities using the three transition types are shown next.




Local Smooth


Global Smooth


The three previous images were all created using the Scale Cross Section Based on Width option which resulted in a significant height change between cross sections. The first cross-section width is half of the distance between rails, so it is scaled 200% to fit. The second cross section is wider than the distance between rails so it is scaled down to fit between them. The third cross section is much smaller than the distance between rails, so the scaling makes it much larger than all other cross sections in this example.




Fast Edit


  • X-Y Scale - scales the cross section geometry that is used to create the feature. A value of 0.5 scales the cross section to one-half (50%) of the original size in the X- and Y-axes.

  • Z Scale - changes the height of the resulting surface in relation to the Z-axis. A value of 1.0 is equal to 100% and results in no scaling.

  • Base Height - creates a vertical wall that extends from the stock, to the beginning (bottom) of the embossed model. In other words, this adds a wall to the base of the model.


  • OK - accepts any changes and closes the dialog. (The first time you click OK, the feature is created and added to the BobART tree.)

  • Cancel - cancels the creation of the feature (the first time that the dialog box displays). When editing the feature, this cancels any changes and closes the dialog.



After defining the parameters, you use the Emboss Features in the BobART Tree to edit the feature as needed.

The Emboss Feature in the BobART Tree

When you finish defining the feature parameters and click OK, the feature is added to the BobART tree. You right-click each feature item in the tree to access a shortcut menu.


The Feature Shortcut Menus


2 Rail Sweep

Right-click this item to access the following commands.

    • Edit - opens the Feature dialog for you to modify the feature parameters.
    • Delete - removes the feature from the tree. Regenerate to view the change in the model.
    • Suppress/Unsuppress - is used to remove the feature from the model or to restore a suppressed feature. To update the model, Regenerate.
    • Save As Component/STL - is used to save the feature as a component or .stl file. This saves the individual feature and not the entire model. The STL Save Option dialog box is displayed for you to set the tolerance. Next, the Save As dialog is displayed for you to select a location, name the file, and save it. The component can be used to create an Emboss from Component feature.


Rail Geometry (There are two Rail Geometry items. One for each rail.)

Right-click this item to access the following commands.

    • Re/Select - opens the Selection Manager for you to select geometry for Rail 1 (or Rail 2) to define the sweep path. Be sure to set the same chain direction for each rail.

    • Remove - removes any geometry assigned to the feature.

    • Reverse Direction - reverses the chain direction of the selected rail (for 2-Rail sweep only).


 Cross-Section Geometry-1 (By default there is only one item, but more Cross Sections can be added.)

Right-click this item to access the following commands.

    • Re/Select - opens the Selection Manager for you to select geometry for this cross section. Be sure to set the desired chain direction for the rail. The start of the cross section goes to rail one and the end goes to rail two.

    • Remove - remove any geometry assigned to the cross section.

    • Reverse Direction - reverses the chain direction of the cross section.

    • Edit - opens the 2-Rail Sweep Cross-Section Geometry Location dialog box which allows you to edit the Location % of this cross section. In order to use this option, you must clear the Automatically space cross sections check box in the 2 Rail Sweep dialog box first. This is used when there are more than two cross sections.

    • Add New Cross Section Geometry - adds another Cross-Section Geometry item to the 2-Rail Sweep to allow the use of multiple cross-sections.

    • Delete Cross Section Geometry - deletes the Cross-Section Geometry item from the tree. (This option is only available when there are more than one Cross Sections.)

Generating the Model

After all necessary selections are made, you must regenerate to create the model.


To Regenerate the Model, do one of the following:


  • From the BobArt Tree, right-click Emboss Model, and click Regenerate.

  • From the feature dialog, click OK.


Note: Every time a change is made to an Emboss feature, you must Regenerate to update the model.

Process Summary and Important Notes

When creating a 2-rail sweep you must first select a coordinate system for the model and define the canvas. The canvas defines the area in which you can create an emboss. The next step is to create 2 rails inside the boundary of the canvas. If portions of the rails go beyond the canvas, the emboss will simply end at the canvas edge and not continue on. These rails can be open or closed shapes such as two parallel lines or two offset rectangles; and they can be 3-dimensional. The two rails must share the same chain direction. After creating two rails at least one cross-section geometry is needed. The cross section (width) should be drawn horizontally along/parallel to the X-axis. The X parallel is essentially the base of the canvas. Sweeping a line that is parallel to X will create a flat surface.


Important: You cannot use a cross section that is drawn vertically in the Y-axis. So, the start and end point of a cross section cannot share the same X-value. The width of the cross section is taken from the change in X-values and the height is taken from the change in Y-values.


When using more than one cross section the chain direction should also be shared among all cross sections. The start point of the cross section is connected to rail 1 and the end of the cross section is connected to rail 2. Once all of these items are created, the cross-section geometry is swept along the two rails to create an Emboss 2-Rail Sweep from the canvas surface.

Quick Steps - Emboss 2 Rail Sweep

  1. In the BobART tab, right-click Emboss Model, and select Emboss 2-Rail Sweep.

    The Emboss 2 Rail Sweep dialog and Picking Manager appear.

  2. In the Attributes section, set the name and color of the feature, and set the Application Type to Add, Subtract, Merge High, or Merge Low.

  3. Rail 1 group: 

    1. In the Geometry section, the focus is automatically on the Selected Geometry list in the Rail 1 group.

      Select the geometry for the chain of the first rail.

    2. Click in the Profile Chains list to ensure the chain direction is set as intended.

  4. Rail 2 group: 

    1. Click in the Selected Geometry list in the Rail 2 group to give it focus, and select the geometry for the chain of the second rail.

    2. Click in the Profile Chains list to ensure the chain direction matches that of the first rail.

  5. Cross-Section group: 

    1. Click in the Selected Geometry list in the Cross-Section group to give it focus, and select the geometry for the chain of the first cross-section.

    2. Select geometry for any additional cross-sections.

    3. Click in the Profile Chains list to ensure the chain directions for each cross-section are set as intended.

  6. Set the Parameters and Fast Edit items as necessary.

  7. Click Apply to regenerate the surface.

  8. Click OK to exit the feature.

Related Topics

The BobART Overview