The CAM Tree

BobCAM for SolidWorks add-in module supports 2D and 3D milling, plasma, waterjet and laser machining.


The CAM tree controls the definition of the stock, defines the machine setup, adds features that represent the processes needed to machine a part, and generates the NC program for the machine. 



The features in the CAM tree are associative, meaning that each feature contains all the necessary parameters to calculate a toolpath. This allows you to change any of these parameters and compute the toolpath again without re-selecting or redefining them all each time the feature is changed. In addition to modifying the CAM tree features, they may be reordered by dragging them with the mouse and moving them in the tree. The following is a list of the terms used in the CAM tree.


CAMPartIconFolder.png CAM Part - This folder contains the milling tools and turning tools options. The folder is named after the file or part name.



MllingStockIconWhite.png Milling Stock - Right-click this item in the CAM tree to add milling features and access controls for defining the stock. Once the stock is defined, a transparent solid representing the stock can be displayed. This definition is also used to create the stock used in simulation. If the stock is not defined, simulation automatically calculates a stock based on the toolpath being simulated.



TurningStockIcon.png Turning Stock - Right-click this item in the CAM tree to add turning features and access controls for defining the stock. Once the stock is defined, a transparent solid representing the stock can be displayed. This definition is also used to create the stock used in simulation. If the stock is not defined, simulation automatically calculates a stock based on the toolpath being simulated.



When you add a CAM feature to the tree, the following items are added to represent the feature. You right-click these items to access shortcut menus use to perform commands for each item. These items are also explained in this help system in the Hole Wizard, 2-Axis Wizard, and 3-Axis Wizard help topics.