The Hole Wizard

The Hole Wizard gives you the ability to easily define a hole making strategy, associate the geometry, and define the parameters for every tool used in the hole making process. Each machining feature is a combination of multiple machining operations. The wizard allows you to first specify what type of machining feature, then specify the geometry to machine, followed by cycling through the tool and machining parameters of each type of operation contained inside the machining feature.


To access the Hole Wizard, in the CAMTreeTabIcon.png CAM tree, right-click MllingStockIconWhite.png Milling Stock, and click Drill.


The first step to machining any hole is selecting what type of machining strategy to use. The following multi-tool machining operations are available on the first page of The Hole Wizard.



After selecting the machining strategy, click Next to move to the Geometry Selection page.


Select Geometry - Clicking this button enables selection mode, allowing you to select any number of arcs and points to define the locations and sizes of the drill holes.

Hole Sizes - Each hole Diameter, Depth, and Through Hole type selected from the graphics area is listed inside of this list box.

NOTE: For each separate hole diameter, a separate machining feature is created in the following step of the wizard.


Geometry Parameters - After selecting an entry from the Hole Sizes list box, the values are displayed here to allow for easy editing.


Machining Order


After defining the machining strategy and feature geometry, click Next to start editing the feature parameters.