Mill Turn Machine Setup


This topic will explain the options found in the context menu of the Machine Setup of a Mill Turn Job.

The Machine Setup Context Menu

Right-click Machine Setup to open a shortcut menu with the following commands. These include commands for modifying the machine setup and adding Milling features, Turning features, index systems, and wrapping groups.


Machine Setup      >> - The flyout for the Machine Setup will allow you to view the Setup Origin location, and view or change the Clearance, and Work Offset values.


    • Edit - opens the Machine Setup dialog in the Data Entry Manager for you to modify the current machining origin, work offset, and clearance plane values.

    • Post - creates the NC program and displays it in the Posting tab (of the Post Manager). You can view the posted program, but you can't edit it in this location. Right-click anywhere in the Posting window to access another shortcut menu, or use Post & Save As. To learn more about the Mill Turn Tool Output Format, view the Mill Turn Tool Output Format topic.
    • Post & Save As - creates and displays the NC program, but first opens the Save As dialog box for you to name and save the file. You can use the default location, or select your own location.

    • Mill Features

      • Mill Drill Hole - opens the Hole Wizard for you to create a Drill Hole feature. This handles drilling with the available operations: Center Drill, Drill, Chamfer Drill, Chamfer Mill, Ream, and Bore.

      • Mill Tap Hole - opens the Hole Wizard for you to create a Tap Hole feature. This handles tapping with the available operations: Center Drill, Drill, Chamfer Drill, Chamfer Mill, Ream, Bore, Tap and Rolling Tap.

      • Mill Counterbore Hole - opens the Hole Wizard for you to create a Counterbore Hole feature. This handles counterbore hole drilling with the available operations: Center Drill, Drill, Chamfer Drill, Chamfer Mill, Ream, Counterbore Drill, and Counterbore Mill.

      • Mill Counterbore Tap Hole - opens the Hole Wizard for you to create a Counterbore Tap Hole feature. This handles counterbore hole tapping with the available operations: Center Drill, Drill, Tap, Rolling Tap Chamfer Drill, Chamfer Mill, Ream, Counterbore Drill, and Counterbore Mill.

      • Mill Facing - opens the Mill Facing Wizard for you to create a Facing feature. This handles 2-axis machining with the available operation: Facing. See the Mill Facing Feature Overview for more information.

      • Mill 2 Axis - opens the 2 Axis Wizard for you to create a 2 Axis feature. This handles 2-axis machining with the available operations: Profile Rough, Profile Finish, Pocket, Facing, Engraving, Chamfer Mill, and Plunge Rough. See the Mill 2 Axis Feature Overview for more information.

      • Mill 3 Axis - opens the 3 Axis Wizard for you to create a 3 Axis feature. This handles 3-axis machining with the available operations: Z Level Rough, Z Level Finish, Planar, Spiral, Radial, Plunge Rough, Advanced Rough, Flatlands, Equidistant, and Pencil. See the Mill 3 Axis Feature Overview for more information.

      • Mill 4 Axis Rotary - opens the 4 Axis Rotary Wizard for you to create a 4 Axis Rotary feature. This handles simultaneous 4-axis rotary machining with the available operation: 4 Axis Rotary. See the Mill 4 Axis Rotary Feature Overview for more information.

      • Mill Multiaxis - opens the Multiaxis Wizard for you to create a Multiaxis feature. This handles multiaxis machining up to 5-axis output with the following toolpath types: Wireframe, Multiaxis Roughing, Swarf and the surface-based paths Parallel Cuts, Cuts Along Curve, Morph Between 2 Curves, Parallel to Multiple Curves, Project Curves, Morph Between 2 Surfaces, and Parallel to Surface. See the Mill Multiaxis Feature Overview for more information.

      • Mill Thread - opens the Mill Thread Wizard for you to create a Mill Thread feature. This handles mill threading with the available operations: Center Drill, Drill, Chamfer Drill, Chamfer Mill, Ream, Bore, Pocket, and Profile.

      • Mill 3 Axis Wireframe - opens the 3 Axis Wizard for you to create a 3 Axis Wireframe feature. This handles 3D engraving with the available operations: 3D Engrave Rough and 3D Engrave Finish.

      • V-Carve - opens the V-Carve Wizard for you to create a V-Carve feature. This handles tapered pocketing and V-tool carving using the available operations: Tapered Pocket and V-Carve Finish.

    • Turn Features

      • Lathe End Face - opens the Lathe Wizard for you to create a Lathe Face feature. This handles ID and OD machining with the available operations: Rough, and Basic Finish.

      • Lathe Turning - opens the Lathe Wizard for you to create a Lathe Turning feature. This handles ID and OD machining with the available operations: Rough, Pattern Repeat, and Basic Finish.

      • Lathe Groove - opens the Lathe Wizard for you to create a Lathe Groove feature. This handles ID and OD machining with the available operations: Groove Rough, Groove Finish, and Basic Finish.

      • Lathe Hole - opens the Lathe Wizard for you to create a Lathe Hole feature. This handles drilling with the available operations: Center Drill, Drill, Chamfer, Bore, and Ream.

      • Lathe Tap Hole - opens the Lathe Wizard for you to create a Lathe Hole feature. This handles tapping with the available operations: Center Drill, Drill, Chamfer, Ream, Tap, and Rolling Tap.

      • Lathe Thread - opens the Lathe Wizard for you to create a Lathe Thread feature. This handles threading with the available operation: Thread.

      • Lathe Cutoff - opens the Lathe Wizard for you to create a Lathe Cutoff feature. This handles part/stock cutoff with the available operation: Cutoff.

      • Lathe Stock Handling - opens the Lathe Wizard for you to create a Lathe Stock Handling feature. This handles stock feed for bar pullers with the available operation: Stock Feed.

    • Additional Functions - point to this menu item to view the following commands.


      • Compute All Toolpath - computes the operations of all features contained in the Machine Setup.

      • Update All Geometries  - Updates all geometry associated in the CAM Tree.

      • Add Group - adds a folder to your CAM Tree. Drag and drop features into the folder to save space in the CAM Tree and have the control to set Add Toolpath Pattern, Post All Yes/No and Blank/Unblank Toolpath options on all features inside of the folder at one time.

      • Add Index - adds an Index System to the Machine Setup.

      • Add Wrapping Group - adds a Wrapping Group to the tree for you to use Drilling, 2-Axis, and 3-Axis features to create 4-axis machining.

      • Add Toolpath Pattern - adds a Toolpath Pattern to the selected machine setup. When added from this location, the defined pattern is applied to all of the features in the machine setup.

      • Insert Setup - inserts another Machine Setup into the CAM Tree.

      • Delete Setup - removes a Machine Setup from the tree when there is more than one.

      • Delete All Features - removes all milling features in the Machine Setup.

      • Collapse Items - collapses the child items of the Machine Setup. This is the same as clicking the minus sign () next to all child items.

      • Expand Items - expands the child items of the Machine Setup. This is the same as clicking the plus sign () next to all child items.

    • Load Feature - allows you to locate and add a previously saved feature to the tree.

    • Paste Feature - is used to paste a copied feature to the Machine Setup after the last feature.

    • Post All Yes/No - sets all toolpaths in the Machine Setup to post or not post in the NC program.

    • Blank/Unblank Toolpath - allows you to hide or show all toolpaths in the Machine Setup.

    • Suppress Toolpath Patten - prevents the child toolpath patterns from being added to the Operation Tree, and does not allow the pattern to be posted.

    • Unsuppress Toolpath Pattern - allows the child toolpath patterns to be added to the Operation Tree, where its individual pattern instances can be set to post, or not post.

    • Rename - enables editing of the Machine Setup name in the CAM Tree. Type the new name for the setup.

    • Add Note (F3)  - opens the Add Note dialog to allow you to create a message that can be accessed as a tool tip by hovering over the icon next to the item. Click OK to create the note, and use Add Note (F3) again if the note needs to be edited. Editing the note, removing all text and clicking OK removes the note from the item.

Related Topics

To learn about the feature that is added to the job after finishing the wizard, view The Milling Features Overview and/or Lathe Features Overview.

Next Topic

Click here to learn about the Submachine in the CAM Tree.