Hole Recognition Overview


This topic will give a brief description of Hole Recognition and how to access it, but its main purpose is to provide links to the topics explaining each section in detail.

Hole Recognition

The Hole Recognition feature is designed to allow you to select a model and have the proper features, operations, and parameters applied to the CAM Tree automatically. This is accomplished by: 


  1. Opening the Hole Recognition dialog.

  2. Applying a Knowledge Base Template.

  3. Selecting a solid model and confirming the selection.

  4. Making adjustments in the Recognized Hole Features dialog.

To apply the Hole Recognition feature, you can either: 


  • In the CAM Tree, right-click the Milling Job, and select Hole Recognition.

    This method will apply the Hole Recognition to all available Machine Setups in the job, and any Index Systems contained in those Machine Setups.

  • In the CAM Tree, right-click the desired Machine Setup, and select Hole Recognition.

    This method will apply the Hole Recognition only to that particular Machine Setup, and any Index Systems contained in that Machine Setup.

  • In the CAM Tree, right-click the desired Index System, and select Hole Recognition.

    This method will apply the Hole Recognition only to that particular Index System.

Next Topic

In order to utilize the Hole Recognition, you need to create, or modify a Knowledge Base Template.