The BobCAD-CAM Training Professor Book & Video Series is an excellent way to become an expert fast. The new Lathe training videos in this 2 CD set offer over 85 new videos on Lathe!
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The BobCAD Training Professor Video Series is an excellent way to become an expert in CAD Design fast. Specialized training videos take you step by step through using BobCAD to design your parts. Now you can train at your own pace the easy way!
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The V25 Multiaxis Training Professor Video Series is an excellent way to become an expert in using the 4 & 5 Axis Standard Software fast. This new training series includes 25 specialized training videos, a new digital PDF workbook and associated CAD files. Now you can train at your own pace the easy way!
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The V25 Multiaxis PRO Training Professor Video Series is an excellent way to become an expert in using the 4 & 5 Axis PRO Software fast. This new training series includes videos on 4 & 5 axis (PRO Version) functionality, a new digital PDF workbook and associated CAD files.
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The V25 Express Training Videos are an excellent way to learn how to use all of the Express features in the comfort of your own time the easy way! The videos include step by step examples on how each of the 2D machining operations are used, editing parts, creating geometry, simulation and much more. They are a fast and easy way to learn CAD/CAM software and start programming like a pro right away.
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The BobART Training Professor Video Series is an excellent way to become an expert in using the BobART Add-On. Specialized training videos take you step by step through using BobART. Now you can train at your own pace the easy way!
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New Release
The latest BobCAM for SolidWorks Training Professor Book & Video Series is an excellent way to become an expert fast. With over 65 training videos, more than 450 pages of digital PDF book and step by step training lessons for each machining feature you can train at your own pace the easy way! Corresponding CAD files have been included to help you train faster with the parts used in the videos.
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The BobCAD-CAM Training Professor Book & Video Series is an excellent way to become an expert fast. With over 55 training videos, an 775 page digital PDF book and step by step training lessons for each machining feature you can train at your own pace the easy way!
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Lathe Training Video
The Lathe Training Professor Video Series is an excellent way to become an expert fast. The Lathe training video set gives you step by step training lessons for each machining feature you can train at your own pace the easy way!
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BobART Training Video
The BobART Training Professor Video Series is an excellent way to become an expert fast. The ART training video set gives you step by step training lessons for each feature from vectorizing images for machining to embossing and more.
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Email Tech Support Membership
Annual technical support membership includes, Help Desk Login, Email Support, 3 New or Updated Posts, Software Updates & Post Processor Downloads.
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Standard Tech Support Membership
Annual plan for the Standard technical support membership includes, Basic phone, email and remote session support M-F 8am until 7pm est. The membership also includes customized posts for three machines per year.
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Premium Technical Support Membership
The Premium annual membership for technical support includes, Standard & Premium, 2 hours of Online training, VIP Priority Callback, Live Chat & Instant remote sessions, The membership also includes customized posts for three machines per year.
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Upgrade Your Technical Support Membership
This will upgrade your Standard Support to Premium Support for the remaining balance of time on your existing support membership.
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1 On 1 Online Training
When it comes to BobCAD-CAM training, what better way than a training schedule that works for you; using your own parts, in the comfort of your own office, and extremely affordable for anyone. 6 Hour bundles are available for only $500.
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V25 Express Training Manual
The V25 Express Training Manual is a great product for learning the V25 Express CAD/CAM software fast. This is great for reference and for learning the software to become a PRO! *V25 Express Training Video Set Required.
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V26 Mill Training Manual
The V26 Mill Training Manual is a great product for quickly learning the V26 Mill CAD/CAM software. This printed manual is a great for reference for learning the software and is filled with step-by-step instructions designed to get you up to speed on the software at your own page. *V26 Mill Training Video Set Required.
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V26 Lathe Training Manual
The V26 Lathe Training Manual is a great product for quickly learning the V26 Lathe CAD/CAM software. This printed manual is a great for reference for learning the software and is filled with step-by-step instructions designed to get you up to speed on the software at your own page. *V26 Lathe Training Video Set Required.
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V25 Mill Training Manual
The V25 Mill Training Manual is a great product for learning the V25 Mill CAD/CAM software fast. This is great for reference and for learning the software to become a PRO! *V25 Mill Training Video Set Required.
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V25 Multiaxis Mill Standard Training Manual
The V25 Multiaxis Standard Training Manual is perfect for learning the V25 Multiaxis Standard CAD/CAM software fast. This is great for reference and for learning the software to become an expert operator! Training documentation includes 3+2, Trimming features, Indexing, Rotary and more. *V25 Multiaxis Standard Training Video Set Required.
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V25 Multiaxis Mill PRO Training Manual
The V25 Multiaxis PRO Training Manual is perfect for learning the V25 Multiaxis PRO CAD/CAM software fast. This is great for reference and for learning the software to become an expert operator! The Multiaxis PRO manual also includes the training manual for the Standard version as well. *V25 Multiaxis PRO Training Video Set Required.
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BobCAM for SolidWorks V3 Mill Training Manual
The BobCAM V3 Training Manual is perfect for learning the latest BobCAM for SolidWorks software fast. This is great for reference and for learning the software to become an expert operator! *BobCAM V3 Training Video Series Required.
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V25 Training Webinar Videos
Recorded Premium Support Webinars
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V24 Training Webinar Videos
Recorded Premium Webinars
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