The Advantages of Modular CAD-CAM Software

Posted August 8, 2016 3:24 pm   Published by    BobCAD-CAM ">

Integrated CAD & CAM is the optimum design and manufacturing solution for the global markets under the title of “Manufacturing”. Because of this, CNC Cookbook surveys known CAD-CAM users in the market place to gain a better understanding of what they use in cad-cam technologies in order to get a better understanding of what is working vs. what is just available. When the results came back BobCAD-CAM was at the top for “Modular CAD-CAM”.


modular cad-cam softwareModular CAD-CAM for Machine Shops

It’s safe to say that the majority of “machine shops” have and use a CNC mill, lathe, router, waterjet, laser or plasma cutting machine with a CNC controller will require some sort of a CAM product to run it. Whether it’s a newer CNC with high speed machining capabilities or an older CNC that has been retrofitted, a CAM product will be necessary in order to complete the automation process for faster and easier part making. Because manufacturing as a whole has changed and diversified, manufacturing shops need more and more tools to open up production and be able to accommodate the needs of more and more clients. While CAD is the starting place in innovation and turning an idea into a real world concept, CAM applies to exactly “How” or the methods that are used to machine it. That’s the cutting strategies for roughing, semi-finishing and finishing, cutting conditions, toolpath parameters and more.

ranked-1-modular-cad-cam-softwareAs an integrated CAD-CAM product, BobCAD-CAM provides both design or drawing technology for wireframe, surface or solid modeling and provides the entire suite of CAM machining features that make the software popular from the hobbyist to major manufacturers for automotive, aerospace, defense and the rest.

Machine shops today can’t afford to turn away work because they lack the technology to do the work. Therefore they are seeking a CAD-CAM product that can be added to as they need capabilities. This brings us to “Modular” CAD-CAM and what that is all about. Modular CAD-CAM refers to various levels of CNC Machine technology that is integrated with CAD design.
BobCAD-CAM software is considered modular due to the core structure of the software. The first level of the software can be added as a basic 2D or 2.5 Axis Milling product. The milling modules can also work with CNC Routers, waterjet, plasma, laser and burning machines because of the customizable post processing features of the software. Posting features can be adjusted which will allow for G-Code accepting CNC machines.

Modular also extends to the ability to add higher levels of a core product such as the milling product. A machine shop may only want or need 3 axis today, however they may need rotary or 4th axis next week. The BobCAD-CAM modular milling software can have 4th axis capabilities added to it at any time.

The primary advantage to this is that a machine shop doesn’t have to pay for more than they actually need at any given time. Maybe the shop will purchase a Wire EDM at some point. The BobCAD-CAM Wire EDM module can be added at a later date when it is needed for CNC programming the wire machine. Modular CAD-CAM is the next level in efficiency for CNC manufacturing and goes a long way to keeping costs down while providing machine programmers with the edge they need to remain productive.

BobCAD-CAM has provided CAD/CAM CNC Software products to the global manufacturing industry for over 25 years. BobCAD-CAM software can be found to increase CNC productivity for many applications including educational and independent hobby home use. BobCAD-CAM also provides a variety of quality training products that include regional and online training classes or private sessions tailored to specific applications that can result in professional certification as well as multi-tiered technical support solutions to their service customers. Contact BobCAD-CAM today at 877-262-2231 or 727-442-3554 ext 123.

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