The device tree displays on the upper-left side of the tool crib. The device tree automatically displays the tool holding devices, which may be turrets or milling spindles (heads), for the current machine. For each tool device, the stations are listed so that you can mount tools and/or tool adapters to each station.
Tool Device from Machine (Turret or Milling Spindle - one for each tool device in the machine)
Station 1
Station 2
Station n... (number of stations defined for the device)
Loose Tools (tools and/or adapters that are used in the job, but not mounted)
Tool Shelf (unused tools and/or adapters)
Important note about the Difference Between Turret and Milling Spindle Stations
The process of adding tools and/or adapters to the device tree is basically the same for turrets or milling spindles. The only difference is where the shortcut menus are located. The process is explained separately for each device type.
There are two ways to add tools and/or adapters to the device tree of the tool crib. You can use the shortcut menus, explained later in this document, or you can use the add buttons as described next.
1 Click to select a Station in the device tree.
2 Click either the Add From Tool Library or Add From Adapter Library button at the bottom of the tool crib.
3 In the library (Tool Library or Adapter Library) select a category to update the list, select a tool or adapter in the list, and click OK to add it to the selected station.
4 You can then update the Mounting parameters for the tool or adapter. View the Shortcut Menu sections of this topic to learn about accessing other commands from the items you add to the device tree.
1 Click to select milling spindle device name in the device tree.
2 Click either the Add From Tool Library or Add From Adapter Library button at the bottom of the tool crib.
(After an adapter is added to the tree, you click the adapter name, and click Add From Tool Library to add a tool to it.)
3 The Mounting Location dialog box displays for you to select the Station number to which the tool or adapter is added. The station corresponds to the tool changer station on the machine.
[When adding a tool to an adapter, you may also need to select the Adapter Station (TMP).]
After making a selection for all available options in the Mounting Location dialog box, click OK.
4 In the library (Tool Library or Adapter Library) select a category to update the list, select a tool or adapter in the list, and click OK to add it to the selected station.
5 You can then update the Mounting parameters for the tool or adapter. View the Shortcut Menu sections of this topic to learn about accessing other commands from the items you add to the device tree.
You right-click the items in the device tree to display a shortcut menu with options for adding, removing, and changing tools and/or adapters as explained next.
Tool Device
Tool devices display with the name defined in the submachine definition of the Current Settings (under Devices). Right-click a tool device name to open a shortcut menu with the following options:
Unmount All - removes all mounted tools and/or adapters from the selected device. These items move based on whether you are setting up a tool crib before creating features or modifying the tool crib after creating features:
Tools and/or adapters that are not used in the job move to the tool shelf (at the bottom of the device tree).
Tools that are used in the job move to the loose tools category under the selected device and adapters move to the shelf. A message displays to confirm the change. Click Yes to confirm, or click No to cancel.
Delete All - completely removes all unused tools and/or adapters from the device and tool crib. Note that assigned tools cannot be deleted, so they move to the loose tool category for the device.
Add Adapter - opens the Adapter Library for you to select a tool mounting adapter to add to the selected station. Select an adapter from the adapter list and click OK to add it to the station. You can then mount a tool to the adapter using the adapter shortcut menu, or you can first update the mounting orientation for the adapter as needed. Be sure to check that the adapter is mounted to the appropriate substation.
Add Tool - opens the Tool Library for you to select a tool to add to the selected station. Select a category on the left side of the Tool Library, select a tool in the tool list, and click OK to add the tool from the Tool Library. You can then update the mounting location and orientation for the tool as needed. Be sure to check that the tool is mounted to the appropriate substation.
Unmount All - removes all mounted tools and/or adapters from the selected station. These items move based on whether you are setting up a tool crib before creating features or modifying the tool crib after creating features:
Tools and/or adapters that are not used in the job move to the tool shelf (at the bottom of the device tree).
Tools that are used in the job move to the loose tools item (under the selected device), and adapters move to the shelf. A message displays to confirm the change. Click Yes to confirm, or click No to cancel.
Delete All - completely removes all unused tools and/or adapters from the station and tool crib. When deleting adapters with assigned tools mounted to them, the tools move to the loose tool category for the device.
Change Adapter - opens the Adapter Library for you to select a tool mounting adapter to replace the current adapter. Select an adapter from the adapter list and click OK to add it to the station. Note that you can change an adapter even if a tool is already mounted to it. In this case, the tool is automatically mounted to the new adapter using the previous mounting settings. The software also automatically matches the orientation and location of the previous adapter, but you may need to update the adapter mounting orientation (when the two adapter are defined with different origins).
NOTE: When changing adapters, the software automatically matches all possible settings from the previous adapter (and any tools) to the new adapter. For example, the mounting orientation of the previous adapter is used, and the tools are matched to the same tool mounting point (TMP) of the previous adapter. If you change from an adapter with two tools mounted (two TMPs) to an adapter that only has one TMP, then the second tool (from TMP-2) is moved to the tool shelf at the bottom of the device tree.
Add Tool - opens the Tool Library for you to select a tool to add to the selected station. Select a category on the left side of the Tool Library, select a tool from the tool list, and click OK to add the tool to the adapter. You can then update the mounting location (TMP) and orientation for the tool.
Move To - opens the Mounting Location dialog box for you to select another station to which the adapter and any mounted tools are moved. Make a selection for all available parameters and click OK to move the adapter and/or tools to the new location.
Unmount - removes the adapter from the station and places it on the tool shelf (at the bottom of the device tree). Note any mounted tools move based on whether or not they are assigned to an operation. Used tools move to the loose tools category (for that device) and unused tools move to the tool shelf.
Unmount All Tools - removes all mounted tools from the selected adapter. The tools move based on whether you are setting up a tool crib before creating features or modifying the tool crib after creating features:
Tools that are not used in the job move to the tool shelf (at the bottom of the device tree).
Tools that are used in the job move to the loose tools category under the selected device. A message displays to confirm the change. Click Yes to confirm, or click No to cancel.
Delete - completely removes the adapter (and mounted tools) from the tool crib. Note that any mounted tools move based on whether or not they are assigned to an operation. Assigned (used) tools move to the loose tools category, and unused tools are removed from the tool crib.
Delete All Tools - completely removes all unused tools from the adapter and tool crib. Note that you cannot delete tools that are assigned to an operation.
Change Tool - opens the Tool Library for you to select a tool to replace the current tool. Select a category on the left side of the Tool Library, select a tool in the tool list, and click OK to replace the tool. You may need to update the mounting parameters after changing a tool.
IMPORTANT: When you use Change Tool for a currently assigned tool, the software automatically changes the tool for all operations to which it is assigned. A message displays to confirm the change. Click Yes to replace the tool for all operations that use it, or click No to cancel. To replace a tool (that is assigned to more than one operation) for a single operation only, open the tool crib from the operation, select a different tool, and click OK in the tool crib to change the tool assignment.
Move To - opens the Mounting Location dialog box for you to select another station to which the tool is moved. Make a selection for all available parameters and click OK to move the tool to the new location.
Unmount - removes the selected tool. The tool moves based on whether you are setting up a tool crib before creating features or modifying the tool crib after creating features:
Tools that are not used in the job move to the tool shelf (at the bottom of the device tree).
Tools that are used in the job move to the loose tools category under the selected device. A message displays to confirm the change. Click Yes to confirm, or click No to cancel.
Remove Tool Holder - removes the default tool holder that is assigned to the tool in the Tool Library. For mill tools, a system generated mill turn style adapter is automatically used instead of the standard milling tool holder.
Delete - completely removes unused tools from the tool crib. Note that you cannot delete tools that are assigned to an operation.
Milling spindle devices do not display any stations in the device tree until you add tools or adapters to the device. This is done to keep the device tree a small as possible for milling spindles. After adding tools or adapters, you can access shortcut menus from these items as explained next.
NOTE: When you unmount or delete all tools and adapters from a milling spindle device station, the station is automatically removed from the device tree because it is no longer in use. You add the stations back to the device as you mount tools or adapters to it.
Milling Spindle (displays the device name defined in the submachine definition)
Right-click the name of a milling spindle device to access a shortcut menu with the following options:
Add Adapter - opens the Mounting Location dialog box for you to select a Station number to which the adapter is mounted. (This corresponds to the Tool Changer Station on the machine). When you click OK, the Adapter Library opens for you to select a tool mounting adapter to add to the selected station. Select an adapter from the adapter list and click OK to add it to the station. You can then mount a tool to the adapter using the adapter shortcut menu, or you can first update the mounting orientation for the adapter if needed.
Add Tool - opens the Mounting Location dialog box for you to select a Station number to which the tool is mounted. (This corresponds to the Tool Changer Station on the machine). When you click OK, the Tool Library opens for you to select a tool to add to the selected station. Select a category on the left side of the Tool Library, select a tool in the tool list, and click OK to add the tool from the Tool Library. You can then update the mounting location and orientation for the tool if needed.
Unmount All - removes all mounted tools and/or adapters from the milling spindle device. These items move based on whether you are setting up a tool crib before creating features or modifying the tool crib after creating features:
Tools and/or adapters that are not used in the job move to the tool shelf (at the bottom of the device tree).
Tools that are used in the job move to the loose tools item (under the selected device), and adapters move to the shelf. A message displays to confirm the change. Click Yes to confirm, or click No to cancel.
Delete All - completely removes all unused tools and/or adapters from the device and tool crib. When deleting adapters with assigned tools mounted to them, the tools move to the loose tool category for the device.
Change Adapter - opens the Adapter Library for you to select a tool mounting adapter to replace the current adapter. Select an adapter from the adapter list and click OK to add it to the station. Note that you can change an adapter even if a tool is already mounted to it. In this case, the tool is automatically mounted to the new adapter using the previous mounting settings. The software also automatically matches the orientation and location of the previous adapter, but you may need to update the adapter mounting orientation (when the two adapter are defined with different origins).
NOTE: When changing adapters, the software automatically matches all possible settings from the previous adapter (and any tools) to the new adapter. For example, the mounting orientation of the previous adapter is used, and the tools are matched to the same tool mounting point (TMP) of the previous adapter. If you change from an adapter with two tools mounted (two TMPs) to an adapter that only has one TMP, then the second tool (from TMP-2) is moved to the tool shelf at the bottom of the device tree.
Add Tool - opens the Tool Library for you to select a tool to add to the selected adapter. Select a category on the left side of the Tool Library, select a tool from the tool list, and click OK to add the tool to the adapter. You can then update the mounting location (TMP) and orientation for the tool.
Move To - opens the Mounting Location dialog box for you to select another station to which the adapter and any mounted tools are moved. Make a selection for all available parameters and click OK to move the adapter and/or tools to the new location.
Unmount - removes the adapter from the station and places it on the tool shelf (at the bottom of the device tree). Note any mounted tools move based on whether or not they are assigned to an operation:
Used (assigned) tools move to the loose tools category (for the device).
Unused tools move to the tool shelf.
IMPORTANT: When you unmount an adapter from a milling spindle device, the station is removed from the device tree as it is no longer in use. The station is added back to the device tree when you mount another tool or adapter.
Unmount All Tools - removes all mounted tools from the selected adapter. The tools move based on whether you are setting up a tool crib before creating features or modifying the tool crib after creating features:
Tools that are not used in the job move to the tool shelf (at the bottom of the device tree).
Tools that are used in the job move to the loose tools category under the selected device. A message displays to confirm the change. Click Yes to confirm, or click No to cancel.
Delete - completely removes the adapter (and mounted tools) from the tool crib. Note that any mounted tools move based on whether or not they are assigned to an operation:
Assigned (used) tools move to the loose tools category (for the device).
Unused tools are removed from the tool crib.
Delete All Tools - completely removes all unused tools from the adapter and tool crib. Note that you cannot delete tools that are assigned to an operation.
Change Tool - opens the Tool Library for you to select a tool to replace the current tool. Select a category on the left side of the Tool Library, select a tool in the tool list, and click OK to replace the tool. You may need to update the mounting parameters after changing a tool.
IMPORTANT: When you use Change Tool for a currently assigned tool, the software automatically changes the tool for all operations to which it is assigned. A message displays to confirm the change. Click Yes to replace the tool for all operations that use it, or click No to cancel. To replace a tool (that is assigned to more than one operation) for a single operation only, open the tool crib from the operation, select a different tool, and click OK in the tool crib to change the tool assignment.
Move To - opens the Mounting Location dialog box for you to select another station to which the tool is moved. Make a selection for all available parameters and click OK to move the tool to the new location.
Unmount - removes the selected tool. The tool moves based on whether you are setting up a tool crib before creating features or modifying the tool crib after creating features:
Tools that are not used in the job move to the tool shelf (at the bottom of the device tree).
Tools that are used in the job move to the loose tools category under the selected device. A message displays to confirm the change. Click Yes to confirm, or click No to cancel.
IMPORTANT: When you unmount a tool (that isn't mounted to an adapter) from a milling spindle device, the station is removed from the device tree as it is no longer in use. The station is added back to the device tree when you mount another tool or adapter.
Remove Tool Holder - removes the default tool holder that is assigned to the tool in the Tool Library. For mill tools, a system generated mill turn style adapter is automatically used instead of the standard milling tool holder.
Delete - completely removes unused tools from the tool crib. Note that you cannot delete tools that are assigned to an operation.
Each tool device in the device tree contains a loose tools category. This item holds tools that are assigned to an operation, but are not mounted to any station or adapter. Tools are placed here after removing (unmounting) them from a device, station, or adapter, or when you assign the tool to an operation without mounting it. (Also note that changing machines or loading a saved tool crib may result in tools being moved to the loose category when they cannot be mapped from the previous machine devices to the current machine devices.)
IMPORTANT: You must mount all Loose tools before posting or simulating a program.
Right-click the individual tools in the loose tools category to access the following shortcut menu command:
Change Tool - opens the Tool Library for you to select a tool to replace the current tool. Select a category on the left side of the Tool Library, select a tool in the tool list, and click OK to replace the tool.
Mount - opens the Mounting Location dialog box for you to select a Station, Substation, and Adapter TMP (if applicable) to determine where the tool is mounted.
Remove Tool Holder - removes the default tool holder that is assigned to the tool in the Tool Library. For mill tools, a system generated mill turn style adapter is used instead of the standard milling tool holder.
The tool shelf holds unused tools and/or adapters that have been removed (unmounted) from a device, station, or adapter. Tools may also be placed here when loading a saved tool crib file or after changing machines if they cannot be matched to the previous stations.
NOTE: Tools must be mounted to a device to be considered for automatic tool assignment in the CAM Wizards. Tools on the tool shelf are not looked at for tool assignment.
Right-click Shelf to open a shortcut menu with the following option:
Delete All - completely removes all tools and/or adapters from the tool shelf/tool crib.
Tools and Adapters
Right-click the individual tools and/or adapters under the Shelf to access the following shortcut menu commands:
Mount - opens the Mounting Location dialog box for you to select a Device, Station, Substation, and Adapter TMP (if applicable) to determine where the adapter and/or tool is mounted.
Delete - completely removes the selected tool or adapter from the tool crib.
Delete All Tools - completely removes all tools that are mounted to an adapter from the tool crib, leaving the adapter on the shelf.