Edit Toolpath - Trim and Relink


This topic explains the Parameters available when the Trim and Relink Command Mode, which aallows you to create a trimming boundary to trim portions of the toolpath away, is used. As explained in the Edit Toolpath Dialog topic, most of the Edit Toolpath dialog remains the same, no matter which Command Mode is being used. It is the Parameters of the Trim and Relink Command Mode this topic focuses on, although, the Command Mode group, Selected Toolpath Elements group and the Animation group can still be revisited in this topic by expanding the drop down hot spots of the same name.


To work through an example utilizing this function, see the Edit Toolpath Example - Trim and Relink.



Command Mode


  • Delete - allows you to delete toolpath entities and relink the toolpath.

  • Trim and Relink - allows you to create a trimming boundary to trim portions of the toolpath away.

  • Move - allows you to alter the location of the selected toolpath elements.

  • Replace - allows you to draw in your own toolpath and replace entities of the toolpath with this CAD geometry.

  • Break - allows you to split toolpath entities into multiple segments.

  • Modify Attributes - allows you to modify the feedrate, or feed type.

  • Extend Cut Move - allows you to extend the toolpath tangentially by a specified distance.

  • Edit Tool Axis - Gives you the option to modify the tool orientation vector for the selected toolpath elements.


Note: The Edit Tool Axis option is only available with Mill 4 Axis Rotary and Mill Multiaxis feature operations.

  • Preview

    - Active by default, the Preview option will show the change that will be attained when the Execute button is selected.

    - Clearing this check box will remove the preview of the current settings from the graphics area.


Selected Toolpath Elements

This list shows the currently selected toolpath entities.


  • Click or Drag Window Pick - This selection method allows you to select toolpath entities in several ways:


      1. Use a single click to select individual toolpath entities.
      2. Use Shift+Click on an entity to select an entire chain of entities.  
      3. Use a Window Selection method to drag a window around a group of entities to select at once.

  • Polygon Pick - This selection method will allow you to define an area of selection by using multiple single clicks to define a polygon. An example of this can be seen in the image below.



Note: Polygon picking is disabled for operations with 2500+ toolpath entities.


  • Point Pick

    - with this check box cleared toolpath points will not selectable.

    - with this check box enabled, toolpath points can be selected, by clicking near the end of a toolpath entity.

  • Convert Selected Toolpath to CAD Geometry - This button will create CAD geometry on the active layer from the selected toolpath entities.

Note: The Convert Selected Toolpath to CAD Geometry option is currently limited to 100 entities at a time.





Trim Boundary


  • Click or Drag Window Pick - This selection method allows you to select toolpath entities in several ways:


    1. Use a single click to select individual toolpath entities.
    2. Use Shift+Click on an entity to select an entire chain of entities.  
    3. Use a Window Selection method to drag a window around a group of entities to select at once.

  • Polygon Pick - This selection method will allow you to define an area of selection by using multiple single clicks to define a polygon. An example of this can be seen in the image below.

  • Inside

    - Defines the area affected by the command. With this check box selected, the toolpath elements within the Trim Boundary will be trimmed and relinked.

     - Defines the area affected by the command. With this check box cleared, the toolpath elements outside of the Trim Boundary will be trimmed and relinked.

  • Usage - determines how the Trim Boundary is used. This gives you the ability to alter the direction the Trim Boundary is projected through the toolpath elements. The available list items are:

    • In View - projects the Trim Boundary based on the current view in the graphics area.

    • Along Z- projects the Trim Boundary parallel to the Z Axis of the Machine Setup.

    • Along X - projects the Trim Boundary parallel to the X Axis of the Machine Setup.

    • Along Y - projects the Trim Boundary parallel to the Y Axis of the Machine Setup.





  • Link - dictates the process of how to reconnect the trimmed segments of the selected toolpath elements.

    • Retract and Plunge - will retract from the exiting position in the trimmed toolpath to a defined Z plane with a rapid move. This will be followed by an X,Y rapid move to the next location, at which point the tool will rapid down to the feed plane above the next cut, and finally feed into the next cut using the plunge feedrate.


    • Direct Rapid - connects the gaps with a linear rapid move.


    • Direct Feed - connects the gaps with a linear feed move.


  • Retract - When Retract / Plunge is chosen as the Link option, this value allows you to set the Z plane height to be retracted to for the toolpath elements being adjusted.

    • Rapid - utilizes the rapid plane value from the operation.

    • Feed Plane - utilizes the feed plane value from the operation.

    • Custom - will allow you to set a specific Rapid Plane and Feed Plane value to define the Retract / Plunge movements.

      • Rapid Plane - sets the custom Rapid Plane value to be used.

        • Absolute or Incremental- This toggle button determines how this data is interpreted. Set this option to read the Rapid Plane as either an Absolute or an Incremental value.

      • Feed Plane - sets the custom Feed Plane value to be used.
        • Absolute or Incremental- This toggle button determines how this data is interpreted. Set this option to read the Feed Plane as either an Absolute or an Incremental value.

  • Extension

    - With this check box cleared, the ends of the selected toolpath elements will be left as they are. The selected linking options will occur from that position.

    - With this check box selected, you will be creating a linear extension which is tangent to the previous toolpath entity. The selected linking options will occur from this new position.




% - This toggle button determines how this data is interpreted. Set this option to read the entered extension as either a percentage of the tool diameter or an absolute value.



  • Undo - This will remove the previously executed command.

  • Execute - This will perform the currently active command.

  • Redo - This will re-apply any commands that were removed by the use of the undo button.


Note: The Undo and Redo options only affect commands that were executed in the current instance of the Toolpath Editor.




The animation will allow you view the tool in the graphics area in order to verify the current tool movement. Controls are available to change how the tool is viewed, adjust the speed of the animation, reset the animation, along with the usual play, pause, fast back, step back, step forward and fast forward.


  • Animation

    - with this check box cleared, the view of the tool in the graphics area will be disabled.

    - with this check box selected, the view of the tool in the graphics area will be enabled.

  • Shaded - will show an opaque tool.

  • Transparent - will show a transparent tool.

  • Wireframe - will show the tool as a wireframe.

  • Speed   - This slider affects how quickly the  tool goes through the toolpath in the animation.

  • Reset - Sets the tool back to the beginning of the toolpath.

  • Fast Back - Skips backwards from the current position at 2X the setting of the speed slider.

  • Step Back - Moves the tool backwards along the toolpath by one entity.

  • Play - Starts the animation of the tool moving through the toolpath.

  • Pause - After pressing play, the Play button changes to the Pause button to stop the tool at the current.

  • Step Forward - Moves the tool forwards along the toolpath by one entity.

  • Fast Forward - Skips forwards from the current position at 2X the setting of the speed slider.


Related Topics

Edit Toolpath Delete

Edit Toolpath Move

Edit Toolpath Replace

Edit Toolpath Break

Edit Toolpath Modify Attributes

Edit Toolpath Extend Cut Move

Edit Toolpath Edit Tool Axis