BobCAM 4 Axis Mill PRO

BobCAM for SOLIDWORKS is a Gold Partner CAM Add-On to provide faster access to strategic machining operations for simple or complex parts. BobCAM v3 provides new associativity for on the fly part editing and toolpath updating, multiple machine setups and wizards to remove the guesswork from Rotary Indexing and Wrapping. The BobCAM 4 Axis PRO offers 7 additional Surface-Based machine toolpath strategies over the Standard module. All 2 & 3 Axis Mill PRO toolpaths can be used in creating 4Axis PRO programs.
 4 Axis CAD-CAM Software

Machining Features 4 Axis Mill Standard 4 Axis Mill Professional
4 Axis Indexing
4 Axis Wrapping
4 Axis Rotory
4 Axis Simultaneous
Undercut Toolpath
Flow Toolpath
Parallel Cuts
Cuts Along a Curve
Morph Between 2 Curves
Parallel to Multiple Curves
Project Curves
Morph Between Surfaces
Parallel to Surface
Full Machine Simulation

BobCAM for SolidWorks 4-Axis Pro