CAD-CAM and CNC wood router software has been an important innovation in the evolution the woodworking industry. Since the beginning of human history, wood has been a critical material in the production of tools, structures, and vessels for transportation. When looking at the world of art, and design new rooms with wallpaper, wood pattern has also provided a beautiful platform for creative expression throughout time. Much of what you see today is an amazing blend of art and functionality in wood productions. Now that these products are more in demand, manufacturers turn to CAD-CAM technology to help them create amazing products with CNC routers, Waterjet, Plasma, Burning and Laser machines.
CAD-CAM Helps Manufacturers Program CNC for Machining Wood
For those of us that remember The Woodwright’s Shop show on PBS hosted by master carpenter, Roy Underhill, we know that woodworking truly is an amazing craft. His show was a perfect example of how woodworking can be a time consuming and exhaustive process when you rely on hand tools for your carpentry projects. Advances in CAD-CAM technology have paved the way for woodworkers to take one of the most ancient of raw materials and mediums of art into the 21st century through the use of CNC machines and CNC wood router software. Woodworkers and artists can now turn to CNC machines to accurately produce their creative designs in a fraction of the time, with less errors, while still offering the ability to produce a piece that has the look and feel of a hand-made item.
CAD-CAM for Raster to Vector Conversions
Using a CNC wood router CAD-CAM software, like the latest BobART add-on, allows the user to convert a regular image file (jpeg, bitmap, or other picture file format) into vector format. It’s best to work with a quality image with good color contrast to assist in the vector conversion. However, you can always go in and clean up any geometry issues with the BobART CNC wood router software. Once you have the vector image, the CNC wood router software generates wire frame geometry which can be used to perform engraving and embossing machining operations.
BobART CNC wood router CAD-CAM software goes beyond simple engraving or embossing productions. The software also gives the artist the ability to wrap 3D models with their 2D image or design work. While developing the toolpaths, users can program in surface textures which is an amazingly easy way to give your piece a more hand-made look and feel.
CNC Wood Router Software Simulation
Once the design and toolpaths are created, you can simulate the actual machine process directly within the CNC wood router software. This is an important step where the user identifies part deviations. In other words, the software will show you where the machine left material on your stock which is typically corrected by adjusting the tool size. After simulation, the g-code
can then be created in the CNC wood router software post processor. The g-code is the language the CNC machine understands. The beauty of CNC wood router software is that once you’ve created this program, it’s there to use again and again. Or, the program can be easily modified for future creative adjustments. BobART CNC wood router software is an amazingly powerful product which is perfectly suited for sign makers, jewelers, engraving shops, mold makers, custom woodworkers, hobbyists and artists.
Great CNC machine toolpath-making features include:
– Profiling
– Pocketing
– Face Milling
– Engraving
– V-Carving
– Chamfer Milling
In addition to the BobART software, BobCAD-CAM, Inc. also offers BobART Training Professor Video Series which is perfect for anyone looking to get the most out of their BobART CNC wood router software. Call BobCAD-CAM today for more details at 877-262-2231 or 727-442-3554.
Try a free, no obligation trial copy of BobCAD-CAM software today HERE