BobCAD-CAM Certifies Post Processors for Fagor Automation Controllers

Posted September 10, 2015 8:39 am   Published by    BobCAD-CAM ">

BobCAD-CAM V28 CAD-CAM Software SimulationBobCAD-CAM, Inc.® met with Fagor Automation Corp to certify OEM post processors for Fagor CNC machine controllers.

The partnership meeting, which took place at Fagor Automation US headquarters in Elk Grove Village, Illinois allowed BobCAD-CAM representatives to test and certify post processors for the Fagor 8055 and 8060 mill and lathe controllers. They were also able to set up specific canned cycles for the controllers.

CAD-CAM Software & Post Processors

The post processor is an essential part of the manufacturing process. After a part is designed in CAD software, the next step is to program the cutting toolpaths to manufacture the part. Once the programming is created in CAM software, a post processor is used to generate the g-code program, which is readable at the CNC machine controller. The controller translates the g-code into machine movement that cuts parts. G-code structure can vary from one machine controller to the next so it’s important to use the proper post processor to generate correct g-code for accurate cutting.

G Code CNC Programming CAD-CAM SoftwareCertified post processors communicate compatibility between the software and CNC machine controllers. Establishing a set of certified post processors allows users and businesses to use the BobCAD-CAM software with Fagor 8055 or 8060 controllers without modifications. Modifying post processors can be time consuming and may result in additional costs if outsourcing the modifications.

“Through our partnership, we have accomplished our goals to make the most refined toolpaths and machine language code compatible with all Fagor Automation CNC controller models,” said Richard Parenti, Applications and Training Manager at Fagor Automation. “Our many thanks to the dedicated BobCAD-CAM engineers for recognizing Fagor and spending time on enhancements that will lead to our mutual success.”

“One of our top priorities is to work closely with CNC controller manufacturers, like Fagor Automation, to ensure compatibility for our clients,” explained Walter Czyrsky, Technical Director at BobCAD-CAM. “It’s a huge value to CNC machine businesses to know their CAD-CAM software is going to output accurate g-code to their controller on day one.”

New CAD-CAM Software

The meeting was also the first opportunity for BobCAD-CAM representatives to show Fagor Automation the features developed for their new Version 28 CAD-CAM software, which released in July 2015. The new software offers a variety of new features for both mill and lathe CNC machines including better hole drilling, new tool type options, more efficient toolpaths, all-new mill turn capabilities, and much more.

To learn more about BobCAD-CAM and CAD-CAM software for CNC programming or to try the new BobCAD-CAM V28 software, visit the company’s website

Download A Free CAD-CAM Software Demo V28

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BobCAD-CAM Certifies Post Processors for Fagor Automation Controllers
Article Name
BobCAD-CAM Certifies Post Processors for Fagor Automation Controllers
BobCAD-CAM, Inc.® met with Fagor Automation Corp to certify OEM post processors for Fagor CNC machine controllers.

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