We are extremely pleased to announce the release of our V31 Milling video training program. The V31 Mill Training Professor Video Series is an in-depth training experience that gives machinists the skills and confidence to achieve better surface finishes, reduce programming times and avoid costly mistakes to your machines or parts.
Al DePoalo of BobCAD-CAM AfterDark says, “Our Training Professor Video Series is an immersive experience that gets results. Fast track your design and editing process by learning V31’s New CAD features. Take your part programming to the next level by fully understanding all the steps and options of BobCAD’s Job Tree, machining features and toolpath. Gain the confidence to tackle advanced programming situations using features like gouge checking, adaptive toolpath & the toolpath editor.”
Mill Training Professor will instruct users how to…
Execute Programming Shortcuts That Save Time & Money
- Get Better Surface Finishes
- Reduce Programming Times
- Avoid Costly Machine & Tool Collisions using Simulation
- New Features and Functions Explained
- Plus Much More!
The complete Mill Training Professor set includes the following:
- 289 Easily Navigated Training Videos (DVD)
- An 851-Page Digital Training Manual (PDF)
- Plus CAD Training Files to Use with Corresponding On-Screen Lessons
You’re one click away from subscribing to BobCAD’s YouTube channel. Click the link below for tips, how-tos and much more!