Upgrades to Lathe in BobCAD-CAM V30 were implemented with the goal of making our software more powerful, versatile and user-friendly than previous versions. We kept a lot of great things from those previous versions, but customer feedback inspired our newest CAD-CAM software release. Our End Face and Groove features provide users the ability to define by Feature Type and Region, simplifying workflow throughout the software.
![End Facing](http://bobcad.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/endfacing-1-300x240.jpg)
The purpose of the End Face feature, a new function in our CAD-CAM software arsenal, is to make facing off the part quick and easy, eliminating the need to draw any additional geometry.
The Groove feature received a massive overhaul and now gives users the ability to choose multiple grooves at once, and even rotate the feature for grooves on an angle. Rotations of grooving features can be accomplished by entering an angle or picking the geometry to align the walls or the floor of the feature with.
These next improvements to Lathe in BobCAD-CAM V30 work hand-in-hand with each other in a way that brings this CAM software to an elite level. Stock Tracking and Trim to Stock will surely be welcomed additions by users looking to get the most out of their Lathe machines.
![Stock Tracking](http://bobcad.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/08/1stocktrack-2-300x240.jpg)
Stock Tracking focuses cuts on the stock itself and helps get rid of pesky air cuts! We even go a step further by tracking the effects of each operation without the need to save the stock as an .STL, to then later assign to particular operations. Each operation automatically updates the operation stock of the following feature.
Our Trim to Stock feature offers a way to trim away unwanted portions of the Toolpath. With the simple selection of a check box, BobCAD-CAM will be able to trim away all air cuts and focus only on stock! This alone will surely improve the longevity of your machine’s tools and eliminate potential costly repairs.
At BobCAD-CAM we believe that hearing or reading about a product is less effective than experiencing it for yourself. That’s why we offer a free, downloadable demo of our CNC software to anybody and everybody that wants to increase their daily productivity and profitability. Put us to the test!