Tech Tuesday is a weekly blog that addresses some of the most common questions and concerns that I hear throughout the previous week from users of BobCAD’s CAM software. Both customers and future customers are more than welcome to leave a comment on what they would like to see covered for the following Tech Tuesday. If you missed last week’s Tech Tuesday, click here.
Whether you’re a large shop, small shop or hobbyist, BobCAD-CAM is a universally effective tool for handling many job-types, and fairly easy to get up and running. CAD-CAM users around the world are making some pretty incredible things nowadays with BobCAD’s dynamic CAD-CAM technology. No matter the reason that brought these individuals to pursue their passions through CNC manufacturing, it’s easy to see what makes them successful; determination coupled with the right software. For some it’s getting trained in the software, for others it may be getting good technical support. Not everybody is going to be instantly successful, especially those new to the industry, but with that being said, learning and mastering it can be achieved by simply applying yourself. Training is always recommended when buying new software or upgrading to a newer version. BobCAD-CAM provides customers with a wide range of training and technical support services to make sure that they receive the assistance they need in order to be successful.
I’ll let Randy Brady of Southern Precision Tooling say it in his own words: “The Training Professor Videos Series is great and gets you up and running quickly. I did attend a 3-day class in Clearwater and it really helped get us more acclimated to the more advanced features of the software,” says Brady. He goes on to add, “We are basically a job shop that specializes in close tolerance work, 2 and 3 Axis Millwork, some 4th Axis/rotary as well, 2 Axis turning and Wire EDM. We are just getting into Mill Turn with our new Lathe, including sub spindle and Y Axis.”
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BobCAD-CAM is primarily known for their powerful and affordable software, but it’s their top-notch technicians that make them superior in their industry. “When it comes to programming complex parts, BobCAD-CAM’s toolpaths and simulation features are second to none. Once I’ve created my
toolpaths, simulation makes it easy to check my work and make sure everything looks right so I’m not wasting machine time or materials. Best of all, BobCAD-CAM’s
tech support is always there to help if I get stuck,” said Bill Hamrick of Integrity Machining Inc. Success doesn’t always mean that you have the answer to everything, as Mr. Hamrick alluded to, but when there is a question, BobCAD has an answer.

It’s been said once or twice in the industry of manufacturing that “If your machine ain’t turnin’, you ain’t earnin’”, and success for most shops means profitability.
Paul Gutierrez of Blackfin Manufacturing, LLC knows this first hand. He goes on to tell us how BobCAD-CAM software has aided in his bottom line: The BobCAD CAD-CAM system allowed Blackfin Manufacturing to immediately design and produce CNC parts the very first day they installed the software package. “Our Engineer, Brandon Gutierrez, designed parts and BobCAD produced NC code that cut excellent parts on our CNC Router the very first time! We were amazed that we did not have to edit or modify a single line of code. Brandon quickly learned additional features of the software that allowed us to machine and nest parts very efficiently which allows us to cut costs and offer our customers lower prices. Brandon routinely achieves 100% product yield!” says Gutierrez. Not editing code and almost 100% product yield surely saves time for Paul and Brandon, which in turn means more money in their pocket as they can accept jobs more frequently.

One of the greatest compliments our customers give us is how easy our software is for them to use. BobCAD made simplicity (along with affordability) their mission from the get-go and it has been a staple of this company for over 30 years. I’ll let
Martin Sprecher of Hall Industrial Models explain how BobCAD software makes his life easier: “The feature I like best is the ability to model and program with the same software. I have used other high-end software systems that are good at programming but the CAD sides are difficult to use. I also needed a system that I could learn quickly. I rely on the whole package to make money I design and make different parts every day, I built many form dies and use the software to import the CAD model from the customer then design a die around it and program my CNC machines. The only thing other than BobCAD I use is an inexpensive back plot system that works very well with my programs. The best additional tool BobCAD provides is the Training Video selection. I have been able to learn functions as I need them,” concluded Sprecher. There are many things that contribute to the overall success of a CAD-CAM user, but as you can see, there is a common theme in that success; hard work, knowing when to seek the proper assistance and technologically sound software. Keep these core principles close and before you know it you will experience the success you seek. Thank you for reading another Tech Tuesday; see you next week!
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BobCAD-CAM has provided CAD-CAM CNC Software products to the global manufacturing industry for over 30 years. BobCAD-CAM software can be found to increase CNC productivity for many applications in aerospace, automotive, production manufacturing, mold making, general machining, woodworking as well as the medical manufacturing industry, consumer products, musical instruments, custom fabrication, defense industry and many others due to the products ability to automatically generate NC programming code for such a wide variety of CNC controllers. BobCAD-CAM software is also found in educational institutions throughout the world as well as independent hobby home use. Products include machining technology for 2, 3, 4 & 5 Axis CNC Milling, Routing, Waterjet, Plasma and Laser machines as well as 2 Axis CNC Lathe. BobCAD-CAM is modular allowing shops to start off at a reduced technology level and add technology as it is needed including an add-on, BobART, for artistic machining. Unique technology includes adaptive high-speed machining multiaxis milling and routing which is a first in the world of CAD-CAM software. BobCAD-CAM also provides a variety of quality training products that include regional and online training classes or private sessions tailored to specific applications. Professional certification and multi-tiered support solutions are available. Contact BobCAD-CAM directly for more information at 877-262-2231 or 727-442-3554.
Article Name
Tech Tuesday: The Successful CAD-CAM Operator
CAD-CAM engineers make some really incredible things with BobCAD’s dynamic CAD-CAM technology. What makes them successful? Determination and the right software.
Michael A. Downss
BobCAD-CAM Software