BobCAD-CAM, Inc. is is a global pioneer in CAD-CAM technology for Design & CNC manufacturing. Their BobCAD-CAM v27 software is used by manufacturers to import and design parts for machining and then it creates the toolpath and NC-G Code program that is then sent to the machine tool. They have just released their new BobCAD v27 CAD Design training professor video series to educate users in everything they would need to know using the software to design parts and edit imported parts for machining.
New CAD Design Training Videos
BobCAD-CAM v27 software is a powerful CAD design product offering hundreds of wireframe, surface & solid modeling capabilities for manufacturing. But how do you learn these features fast and in the comfort of your own environment? Training videos are a leading source for accelerating learning. The latest training video series from BobCAD-CAM offers video learning resources that help you master the design aspects of the v27 CAD-CAM system. The benefits of video training include the ability to learn anywhere and on your time. They are perfect for teaching and learning the software and how to succeed in CAD design.
The BobCAD v27 CAD Training Professor videos include:
– 77 Individual Training Videos
– 174 Page Training Manual
– Individual Training Tutorials
– Corresponding CAD Files
The training manual can be purchased as a hard book but is included as a digital PDF copy. The training lessons cover all CAD design features and teaches how to use them through videos. Learning videos include information on:
– Importing part drawings and saving them along with editing.
– Drawing with Wireframes, surfaces and solids as well as boolean editing features.
– Preparing a CAD file for machining.
The detailed digital workbook guides you step-by-step through each lesson and includes a library of pre-made CAD files that correspond to the workbook tutorials. Lessons are self-contained and portable. Learn what you want, when you want, and where you want – in your office, in your shop, in your home, or on the road. This new BobCAD v27 CAD training series is like having a personal training professor in a box, teaching you everything you need to know about the BobCAD software from A to Z!
For more information on this new BobCAD v27 CAD Training Professor Video set contact BobCAD-CAM directly at 877-262-2231 or 727-442-3554.
Download a FREE CAD-CAM Demo Today! Click HERE
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BobCAD-CAM V27 CAD Design Training Videos
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v27 CAD Design Training Professor Video Series
USD 195.00
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