Clearwater, FL – Every business can use a tax break right? From now until December 31, 2015 your business can take advantage of a special tax benefit that puts money back into your pocket. It’s called the “Section 179 Deduction” and it’s easier than you might think.
What Is the 2015 Section 179 Deduction?
The Section 179 deduction is a tax code that allows businesses to write off the full purchase price of qualifying equipment, vehicles, and off-the-shelf software purchased or financed during the 2015 tax year. It’s an incentive created by the U.S. government to encourage businesses to buy equipment and invest in themselves.
Section 179 is an incentive designed to help small businesses with equipment and the best stocks to buy for the expansion of their annual revenue. Although large businesses also benefit from Section 179 or Bonus Depreciation, the original target of this legislation is much needed tax relief for small businesses – and millions of small businesses are actually taking action and getting real benefits.
What Can Section 179 Do for Your Business?
If you purchase (or lease) qualifying equipment or software such as BobCAD-CAM’s v28 software, you can fully deduct the total purchase price from your gross income.
How Does it Work?
Instead of using the normal depreciation of equipment over time, Section 179 lets you use the full purchase price as a deduction in the same year you bought it. Plus, for 2015, the purchase price limit is $500,000. In addition, businesses that exceed the $500K deduction limit can take a one-time, bonus depreciation of 50% of the amount that exceeds the limit, then take a normal depreciation on the rest.
Purchase your BobCAD-CAM software and other capital equipment before December 31, 2015 and Save Big with The Section 179 Tax Deduction!
Call BobCAD-CAM direct at 877-262-2231 or 727-442-3554 to order now!
Reference: CFD Broker ohne Nachschusspflicht
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