The Create 3D Ribbon
This topic will explain the Create 3D Ribbon, and all the options found in it by default.
Note: Keep in mind, the Ribbons can be customized. The items listed in this topic are the items that are in this particular ribbon by default.
The Create 3D Ribbon
The Create 3D Ribbon is divided into groups, each group shows like functions, with functions that are used more often having a larger icon to make it easier to get to.
Cube - creates solid cube primitives.
Cylinder - creates solid cylinder primitives.
Sphere - creates solid sphere primitives.
Cone - creates solid cone primitives.
Torus - creates solid torus primitives.
Extrude Boss - creates solid bodies by extruding closed wireframe chains or planar surface geometry and automatically joins the intersecting surfaces and solids into a single solid.
Extrude Cut - removes material from solid bodies by extruding closed wireframe chains or planar surface geometry to the specified distance and subtracts the result from any intersecting solid or surface bodies.
Extrude Curve - creates a solid or surface shell by extruding open or closed wireframe curves to a specified distance.
Extrude Surface - creates a solid or surface shell by extruding surface geometry.
Imprint - extrudes a curve, and subtract an existing CAD model from that extrusion, while keeping the original model and the newly created imprint.
Solid Boolean
Boolean - Opens the Boolean function with the Add Type selected, and gives you access to the following types:
Advanced Holes - The Advanced Holes function is used to create a profile of the intended holes at chosen points, revolve their form, subtract them from a solid, and assign thread values as needed.
Planar - creates a planar surface from a closed 2D geometry chain.
Planar - creates a planar surface from a closed 2D geometry chain.
Rectangular Plane - opens the Rectangular Plane function with the following creation options. The Rectangle Center option is selected by default.
Rectangle Center - creates rectangular planes by sketching a point, or using data entry. The point sets the Base Point of the rectangle. Adjustments using data entry can also be utilized.
Rectangle 2 Points - Center - creates rectangular planes by sketching two points. The first point sets the center, which is the Base Point, the next sets a corner to specify length and width. Adjustments using data entry can also be utilized.
Rectangle 2 Points - Corners - create rectangular planes by sketching two points. The first point sets one corner, the next sets the opposing corner to specify length and width. Adjustments using data entry can also be utilized.
Rectangle 3 Points - Corners - create rectangular planes by sketching three points. The first point sets one corner as the Base Point, the next sets the perpendicular corner to specify length, and the last sets the corner opposite of the first to set the width. Adjustments using data entry can also be utilized.
Rectangle 3 Points - Center/Corners - create rectangular planes by sketching three points. The first point sets the center of the rectangle as the Base Point, the next sets the length, which is the middle of the line which will define the width, and the last sets the corner to define the width. Adjustments using data entry can also be utilized.
Circular Plane - opens the Circular Plane function with the following creation options. The Arc Center option is selected by default.
Arc Center - create planar arcs of a specified radius, and start and end angles, by defining the origin of the arc.
Arc 2 Points - Center - creates planar arcs of a specified radius, and start and end angles, by defining the origin of the arc, and its radius by selecting two points in the graphics area.
Arc 2 Points - Diameter - creates planar arcs of a specified radius, and start and end angles, by defining two points in the graphics area which will become the full diameter of the arc.
Arc 3 Points - Center / Endpoints - creates planar arcs of a specified radius, and start and end angles, by defining three points in the graphics area. The first assigns the center point, the second defines the start angle and the radius of the arc, and the third sets the end angle or the arc.
Arc 3 Points - Endpoints / Radius - creates planar arcs of a specified radius, and start and end angles, by defining three points in the graphics area. The first point sets the one of the start/end points. The second point sets the other start/end point. The last point defines the radius of the arc. which will become the full diameter of the arc.
Revolve - creates a revolved surface from a 2D geometry chain based on the settings that you define in the Data Entry Manager.
Sweep - creates a surface by sweeping a wireframe chain (profile curve) along another wireframe chain (sweep path).
Cross Section - creates a surface from a group of wireframe curves that are roughly parallel.
3 Edges - creates a 3-dimensional surface using 3 connected edge curves.
4 Edges - creates a 3-dimensional surface using 4 connected edge curves.
Multisided Patch - creates a 3-dimensional surface from a closed chain that consists of 3 or more edge curves.
Copy Face - creates duplicate surfaces from existing surfaces or solids without the need to unstitch those surfaces being replicated.
Advanced Surfaces
Skin - creates a surface using two or more wireframe chains as cross sections and two or more wireframe chains as rails.
Offset - creates an additional surface from an existing surface using the offset value as the distance between the two.
Ruled - creates surfaces using the selection of two wireframe chains with a linear blending between the entities of each chain.
Swung - create surfaces using two wireframe chains: the path (trajectory curve) and the profile. The profile is swung along the path using the Z-axis of the Active UCS as the revolution axis for the function. The geometry selection requires that the path is selected in the XY plane, and the profile is selected in the XZ plane of the Active UCS.
Solid Fillet - creates fillets for surfaces and solids based on the settings that you define in the Data Entry Manager and the geometry that you select in the graphics area.
Solid Chamfer - creates chamfers for surfaces and solids based on the settings that you define in the Data Entry Manager and the geometry that you select in the graphics area.
Surface Fillet - is used to join two separate surfaces with a defined radius between them using one of five trimming options.
Stitch Surfaces to Solid -
Stitch Surfaces to Solid - combines separate surfaces or solids into a single entity.
Unstitch Solid to Surfaces - separates the surfaces of a solid, or connected surfaces, into multiple selectable entities.
Unstitch Surface from Solid - separates one surface of a solid, or connected surfaces, into a separate selectable entity.
Extend - extends a surface along one edge at a time by the specified distance.
Split - separates a solid body using a splitting surface.
Shell - remove one or more faces of a solid body and recreate the solid with the specified wall thickness for the remaining surfaces.
Untrim Surface - returns a surface back to its natural boundary and removes any holes.
Break Surface - is used to modify or break a surface, using a wireframe curve that is on the surface.
Intersection Curves - is used to extract the curves formed by the intersection of two solids or surfaces.