The Create 2D Ribbon


This topic will explain the Create 2D Ribbon, and all the options found in it by default.


Note: Keep in mind, the Ribbons can be customized. The items listed in this topic are the items that are in this particular ribbon by default.

The Create 2D Ribbon

The Create 2D Ribbon is divided into groups, each group shows like functions, with functions that are used more often having a larger icon to make it easier to get to.


  • Point

    • Point - creates a point using the screen position of the mouse pointer in empty space or snap points on existing geometry. Coordinates can also be entered to define the location using data entry.

    • Point from Entities - creates points in the graphics area using the specified snap points or intersections of geometry selected by the user.

    • Incremental - creates a point at an incremental distance from a reference point, which can be a point or the snap point of a wireframe entity.

    • On Entity - creates a point on a wireframe entity at a specified location using on of three methods: Percentage, Distance, or Angle (for arcs only).

    • Perpendicular - creates a point at a right angle to a reference point and a wireframe entity.


  • Line

    • Line - creates a line by clicking in the graphics area once to define the start point, and clicking a second time to define the end point of the line. Coordinates can also be entered to define the location using data entry.

    • Continuous - creates lines by clicking in the graphics area once to define the start point and clicking a second time to define the end point of the line. After creating the first line, the end point of the previous line becomes the start point of the next line so that you can create a continuous chain of line entities. Coordinates can also be entered to define the location using data entry.

    • Tangent - creates lines that are tangent to an arc. Selecting two arcs will create a line tangent to both.

    • Parallel - creates a line that is parallel to a selected entity.
    • Angle - creates a line at a specified angle from a selected entity.


  • Arc

    • Arc Center - create arcs of a specified radius, and start and end angles, by defining the origin of the arc.

    • Arc 2 Points - Center - creates arcs of a specified radius, and start and end angles, by defining the origin of the arc, and its radius by selecting two points in the graphics area.

    • Arc 2 Points - Diameter - creates arcs of a specified radius, and start and end angles, by defining two points in the graphics area which will become the full diameter of the arc.

    • Arc 3 Points - Center / Endpoints - creates arcs of a specified radius, and start and end angles, by defining three points in the graphics area. The first assigns the center point, the second defines the start angle and the radius of the arc, and the third sets the end angle or the arc.

    • Arc 3 Points - Endpoints / Radius - creates arcs of a specified radius, and start and end angles, by defining three points in the graphics area. The first point sets the one of the start/end points. The second point sets the other start/end point. The last point defines the radius of the arc. which will become the full diameter of the arc.

    • Arc 3 Entities - creates arcs by selecting 3 entities in the graphics area which will create an arc tangent to each. This can be accomplished by picking three entities in the graphics area.

    • Fit Arcs - converts a selected geometry curve into arc segments using a defined tolerance value.


  • Spline - Splines are designed to produce a smooth curve between a set of selected points. Spline creation can be accomplished by selecting snap points or coordinates using the mouse position when the Sketch/Single Picking mode is used, or by selecting multiple entities at once with the Multi-Picking mode.



  • Rectangle - creates rectangles using sketching, data entry, or both.

    • Rectangle Center - creates rectangles by sketching a point, or using data entry. The point sets the Base Point of the rectangle. Adjustments using data entry can also be utilized.

    • Rectangle 2 Points - Center - creates rectangles by sketching two points. The first point sets the center, which is the Base Point, the next sets a corner to specify length and width. Adjustments using data entry can also be utilized.

    • Rectangle 2 Points - Corners - create rectangles by sketching two points. The first point sets one corner, the next sets the opposing corner to specify length and width. Adjustments using data entry can also be utilized.

    • Rectangle 3 Points - Corners - create rectangles by sketching three points. The first point sets one corner as the Base Point, the next sets the perpendicular corner to specify length, and the last sets the corner opposite of the first to set the width. Adjustments using data entry can also be utilized.

    • Rectangle 3 Points - Center/Corners - create rectangles by sketching three points. The first point sets the center of the rectangle as the Base Point, the next sets the length, which is the middle of the line which will define the width, and the last sets the corner to define the width. Adjustments using data entry can also be utilized.

  • Ellipse - create ellipses using sketching, data entry, or a combination of both.

  • Spiral - creates a spiral or a helix based on the settings that you define in the Data Entry manager.

  • Shape Library - contains predetermined wireframe geometry shapes that are provided to assist in creating standard shapes faster and easier.

  • Gear - creates a gear based on the settings that you define in the Data Entry Manager.

  • Sprocket - creates a sprocket based on the settings that you define in the Data Entry Manager.

  • Roller CAM - creates a roller cam based on the parameters that you define it the Data Entry Manager.


  • Hole Pattern - creates a circular, or grid, hole pattern based on the settings that you define in the Data Entry Manager.

  • Point Pattern - is used to group a set of points or arcs so that they can be selected as a single entity (point pattern), usually for machining purposes.


  • Fillet - creates an arc, of a defined radius value, tangent to two selected entities.

  • Chamfer - creates a line between two entities using an angle and/or distance.


  • 2D Boolean - launches the 2D Boolean dialog in the Data Entry Manager, with the Add Type selected. This also gives you access to the following types: 

    • Add - combines the two groups of wireframe chains leaving the remaining (outer) boundary of the two groups.

    • Subtract - differences the two groups of wireframe chains leaving the remaining boundary of the two groups.

    • Intersect - eliminates all but the overlapping areas of the two groups of chains.


  • Text - create alpha-numeric characters in the graphics area.

  • Fit Text to Curve - is used to move existing text to a defined position along a selected curve.


  • Offset - creates a curve that is equidistant to a selected profile curve.

  • Extract Edges - opens the function Extract Edges, but gives you the ability to select the Pick Whole Solid option.

    • Extract Edges - allows you select one or more individual solid faces, surfaces, or surface edges to extract and create wireframe curves. Single doesn't refer to a single edge, but rather single selection instead of whole solid selection.

    • Extract Edges from Solid - allows you to select one or more solids or surfaces to extract the edges and create wireframe curves. This function uses whole solid picking and extracts all edges of the selected solids or surfaces.

  • Project Curves to Surface - is used to project wireframe curves onto a selected surface.

  • Section View - create a sectional view of solid geometry in the graphics area. This also includes the ability to create wireframe geometry by extracting the edges currently visible in the section view.

  • Spun Profile - is used to pull an overall profile from a surface or solid that is revolved around a particular axis.

  • Unwrap - unwraps cylindrical geometry to create groups of 2D geometric entities.

  • Contour - groups connected entities together as a single entity with a defined direction.

  • Continuous Sketch - create a continuous chain of lines, arcs, or a combination of the two.

  • Extract Isocurve - creates wireframe curves with a constant U and/or V value on a selected surface.

  • Silhouette - creates a 2 dimensional outline of the selected geometry on a specified plane. Internal outlines can be utilized or ignored and outlines of several geometries can be combined as required.